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I find that an Intel 7600K pairs nicely with a Coolermaster 212 Evo. You can overclock the i5 to 4.2 GHz and get just as much power as a more expensive processor.


I find that a ban pairs nicely with a rejected appeal.

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Edited by idealist
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I want to go with a red theme, also for the graphics card I’d like it to be NVidia with g-sync support. Motherboard preferably Asus, also @Polarzz do you think you could adjust the list to those specifics? One last question what do you think my average FPS would be for games like BF or CSGo or Rainbow

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I want to go with a red theme, also for the graphics card I’d like it to be NVidia with g-sync support. Motherboard preferably Asus, also @Polarzz do you think you could adjust the list to those specifics? One last question what do you think my average FPS would be for games like BF or CSGo or Rainbow


I mean I have a pretty comparable setup to what he posted... the major differences being I have an intel i7 6700k instead of an amd processor and I have no issue running csgo (capped at 300fps @1080) or rainbow six (not sure of the exact numbers but I didn't feel any fps lag or frame stuttering)


Point is, with those specs at 1080 you shouldn't have an issue running most games on ultra high, gets a little dicey when you start talking about frames at 1440 and obviously 4k with those specs.

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The graphics card is called "strix" which allows you to change the colors of the emblem and the motherboard has rgb and you can change the colors of the both of them by downloading the software, including the cpu cooler and I choose some ram sticks with rgb that will allow you to change the color to red. Also to add on the 1070 ti is an extremely powerful GPU and no doubt will need to upgrade for years. Here's the updated part list https://pcpartpicker.com/list/T3fckd


EDIT: I have a 1060 3gb and when I played rainbow 6 on max settings i got around 120 fps so probably double and about having the NVIDIA card there isn't anything special about g-sync all it does is make the screen look "better" when it is so small you can barely tell the difference without it. CSGO the avg fps like deli said would be around 300-400

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Edited by Polarzz
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The graphics card is called "strix" which allows you to change the colors of the emblem and the motherboard has rgb and you can change the colors of the both of them by downloading the software, including the cpu cooler and I choose some ram sticks with rgb that will allow you to change the color to red. Also to add on the 1070 ti is an extremely powerful GPU and no doubt will need to upgrade for years. Here's the updated part list https://pcpartpicker.com/list/T3fckd


That last bit is a little bit of a blanket statement and absolutely not true for some situations. IMO 4k is only a few years out from being industry standard which means an upgrade could be coming sooner than most of us expect depending on whether or not you decide to upgrade monitors relativley soon. I would say for 1080 and 1440 this is absolutley the case for the foreseeable future but at 4k most if not all cards from this generation will struggle to hit fps goals to match up with their respective refresh rates at 4k.

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I would suggest this list instead:




Works out cheaper with better performance thanks to 2nd gen ryzen. $120 liquid cpu cooler is highly unnecessary as the 2600x already comes with a capable stock air cooler and the XFR tech on 2nd gen ryzen allows it to overclock itself quite efficiently to the point where manually overclocking is mostly a waste of time. The benefit of having an x470 motherboard also allows you to use amd StoreMI (

) which is excellent if you keep the 1tb hard drive & 256gb ssd disk setup as it will basically allow you to combine both drives and maintain ssd performance. The EVGA GQ 650w is also more than adequate while being $20 cheaper than the G2 variant and the SSD I switched out to a cheaper model. There are also many ways both legal & illegal to get windows for cheap/free so I would not suggest paying $100 for windows but I left it in that list just because it was there previously.


With the price difference you can also potentially go for a 2700x instead although that would not really affect game performance so it would likely be a better move to go for a higher end graphics card instead unless you happen to do lots of video editing or streaming.

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