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Diet - Bulk Szn

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Summers over so there's no need to keep the beach body, time to go bear mode and get some gains this winter.


Started my bulk about 2-3 weeks ago. Started at 165 and I'm currently sitting at around 170. Wanting to push it as far as I can, hoping to sit around 185 by December. The only supplements I'm taking is ON whey and PEScience multivitamin. Following a heavy compound, lighter assistance work push pull legs split for another 4-6 weeks, after that I'll either change up the muscle focus or change splits entirely depending on how I'm feeling.


Wanted to get any input about my diet, going to post a screenshot from the website I use. Not sure how many of you actually keep up with nutrition and training but I figured it'd give me something to talk about. Keep in mind this is all relative, as I think the protein amount here is a little overdone, however the carbs and fats seem reasonable.




I included my preworkout meal that I typically eat 2-3 hours before my workout in my breakfast, and included my post workout shake in my lunch, if any of you were wondering why I have those there.

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gimme gimme.


ive been gaining a lot of weight just focused on eating more often and not having my first meal long after i wakeup per usual. the oats, peanut butter, rice, eggs, and just other nuts in general all good shit ive started eating more of. i already drink a fuckton of milk, so thats nothing new. i actually follow a split instead of doing whatever on whatever day, switched by preworkout away from something super stim heavy into something with like 180 mg caffeine instead so i dont feel nuts after coming home. started taking creatine in low doses. this job i just got is making me lift heavy shit all day so thats helping too. also i dunno if fall-winter is just naturally like this for some people or if it's just something im doing, but i feel like my energy and test is through the roof in the months surrounding.

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gimme gimme.


ive been gaining a lot of weight just focused on eating more often and not having my first meal long after i wakeup per usual. the oats, peanut butter, rice, eggs, and just other nuts in general all good shit ive started eating more of. i already drink a fuckton of milk, so thats nothing new. i actually follow a split instead of doing whatever on whatever day, switched by preworkout away from something super stim heavy into something with like 180 mg caffeine instead so i dont feel nuts after coming home. started taking creatine in low doses. this job i just got is making me lift heavy shit all day so thats helping too. also i dunno if fall-winter is just naturally like this for some people or if it's just something im doing, but i feel like my energy and test is through the roof in the months surrounding.


I don't even take preworkout, but from my daily carb intake alone I can already tell the fucking energy I have, so I can't even imagine how hyped you must be going to the gym. Peanut butter is great, just make sure you're not eating too many fats (like peanut butter) before your workout to slow down your digestive system. Peanut butter powder is usually my substitute for this but it's most costly than the normal buttery goodness. Eating and training is important, but make sure you're getting your 7-10 hours of sleep to help your recovery and protein synthesis, which is why I always throw in some oats before bed. Sleep is something people generally overlook, with jobs/school/friends. Especially gamers :nerd:

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Experience: I have been bulking for 1.5 years starting June 2017. Starting weight was 165 and current weight is 230. (I am 6'6" tall so keep that in mind). I have gained 65 lbs in total. Size 30 waist to size 36.


Calories: If you want to gain 1 lb a week you want to make sure you are eating at least 500 calories over your maintenance caloric intake a day and nothing less. If you want to gain 2 lbs (which will include 50% fat you will want to eat 1000 calorie over). Do not go over 1000 calories over or you will be putting on way too much fat. I was on a 2 lb per week dirty bulk for the first 4 months of my bulk last year because I wanted to put some fat on. Eventually I swapped over to gaining 1 lb per week for about 6 months (was hit with the flu for a few weeks which halted my progress by 6 weeks). Now I am doing .5 lbs per week (last 4 months).


Supplements: I have done many things over the last year and a half to bulk up but it is just a lot of the same things over and over. If you arent on a weight gainer then get on one. You do not need a preworkout. (weightgainers are protein shakes with multi-vitamins in them) I have been doing 2 weight gainer shakes a day for over a year. When I wanted muscle and fat I was on Optimum Serious Mass. I am now on Optimum Pro Gainer for lean muscle mass (3x more protein and a lot less carbs).


Workout: I spend 3 days in the gym per week with each workout lasting 1 hour to 1 hour and 20 minutes. The first hour of my workout is on the primary muscle I am training (chest, back, or legs) while the last 20 minutes are always abs and calves (tall guy problems). Each workout I do between 18-22 sets for the primary muscle of that day (3-4 sets per exercise). Try to stick with a 12-10-8-8 combo of reps per set on most things (benching is excluded from this due to obvious reasons; never go below 4). I spend 1 day out of the week doing light cardio (usually a sport) like Volleyball, Racquetball, Frisbee, Hiking, etc. Limit cardio to light stuff if you are serious about bulking up!


Food: Salmon (INSANE calories and protein per oz), Chicken, Beef, Rice, Nuts (900 calories per cup!), Juice, Tuna, Cottage Cheese (before bed for casein protein), Yogurt (MUST before bed due to casein protein), Peanut Butter, Milk, Steak, OLIVE OIL (PUT THIS IN ALL YOUR SHAKES = 200 calories per 1.5 Tbsp; I do 3 Tbsp of olive oil a day!), Pasta, Omelettes, AVOCADO (seriously a must at 250 calories per regular avocado), Potatoes, Turkey (bland to me but healthy). DONT FORGET SMALL FRUIT SERVINGS AND VEGETABLES for the needed FIBER! Always mix onions, peppers, and/or tomatoes into your meat when you cook it. It adds great nutrients and fiber and makes food taste better.


Make sure to be committed to your calorie goal each day. You can cheat on some unhealthy foods on the weekends. I never deny myself a good night of drinking with friends. Just remember that unhealthy and fattier foods require less calories than healthy foods to bulk. That is, unhealthy foods have higher sodium and fat and your body requires less of them per day to gain weight. When I swapped from a dirty bulk to a clean bulk I had to INCREASE my daily calories because of this even though I am now gaining less.


If you have any specific questions feel free to let me know. This is just a semi-quick summary.

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If you have any specific questions feel free to let me know. This is just a semi-quick summary.


I've been 6'4 and 130 lbs now for about 3 years. Because of my diet growing up, I find it difficult to work up an appetite to eat lots of calories or even eat at all. Have you had any experience with supplements or specific foods that can boost your appetite or lower your metabolism?

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I've been 6'4 and 130 lbs now for about 3 years. Because of my diet growing up, I find it difficult to work up an appetite to eat lots of calories or even eat at all. Have you had any experience with supplements or specific foods that can boost your appetite or lower your metabolism?


To be honest I had the same problem..maybe not quiet severe though. My normal diet was about 2500 calories before my bulk started. Growing up I did not eat junk food nor did I eat more than 3 meals a day (usually 2 large meals). I just dont like to eat a lot.


I have a very high metabolism (I think this is normal for us tall people). I have to eat about 800 calories over my maintenance to gain 1 lb per week instead of the normal 500. I have not found a way to lower my metabolism except for getting older. That is really the only way. If it were not for my weight gainer shakes I would not be where I am today. I cannot eat a ton of "normal" food in a day but I can down a 900 calorie shake in 2 minutes right when I wake up in the morning and right after I work out. I believe this is what you are looking for. Liquids digest quicker and take up less space in your stomach for shorter periods of time. Like I said in my original comment, Optimum gainers are what I use. These shakes made it all possible and you WILL gain weight and get stronger if you add just one of them to your diet a day and hit the gym 2-3 times a week. 600 calorie scoop + 100 calorie milk/juice + 200 calories olive oil = 900 calorie shake that you can consume in 2-15 minutes (depends on if you can chug or not). If you added one of them to your current diet you would gain 1-2 lbs a week and thats a fact. If you want to go crazy you can make the shake as big as you want but beware the more you add the thicker it gets and the harder it is to drink fast (oatmeal, avacodo, peanut butter, bananas).


I hope the above answer helps you out.


PS: When I committed to this bulk I had to push myself. In the beginning I felt like I could not eat another bite and I would force myself to finish a sandwich/meal. One more bite turned into 2 and that turned into 3 and so on. I had many times I thought I was going to throw up, until eventually it started to get easier. Breaking through the first few months were very difficult, but once my body started adapting to my new calorie intake it got easier. Even now, it is not enjoyable but it is bearable and I dont feel like I am going to puke all the time. Once you start the bulk it never really stops ;)

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