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JB - Warning Shot

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Now, I don't think that warning shots are bad, but I do think that there should be a limit on the way they are used. Especially, with the guns used to warning shot with. For the past week, I can recount multiple times that I have been warning shot with an AWP, which commonly results in the death of a player and me. Also, the R8. Even the scout. All these weapons have the capability to one-shot a player without armor. Now, earlier today, a player used a R8 to warning shot me which ended up doing 102 dmg from the back/chest. Obviously, this isn't a warning shot. Also, I have been warning shot with a scout to the chest which one shots me. Also, based off the rules, there needs to be two warning shots given to the respecting player before he or she is actually killed. From my own experience, there have multiple times where some idiot decides to warning shot me with a chest deag shot or leg me with an AWP. Then, later that round, or at the same time, I am warning shot again, but killed due to the guns dmg. Now, warning shots shouldn't be removed, but it would be nice if we encouraged players to stray away from using weapons that do a significant amount of damage. Maybe lower what a warning shot must be, decreasing the dmg from 1-99 to maybe 1-50. Its just a thought and its really up to you guys to do what you please with this.

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If they kill you with a "warning shot" then they would be breaking the server rules in which you could ask them politely to slay and/or apologize. If it continues to be an issue, contact an admin.


In my point of view as long as a warning shot doesn't kill the T if they are had full health there is nothing wrong with that. It would be very difficult for the CTs job to give warning shots resulting in 50 damage or less based on the weapon pool each map offers. To add on to that it would just give the JB Admins a harder job to administrate as well.


• Warning shots are always required unless the T is rebelling or blatantly disobeying orders. (1 Shot, 1-99 DMG)

If a prisoner has previously received a warning shot and is still in the same situation that called for a warning shot in the first place in the same round, that would be a form of blatantly disobeying if enough time was given for him to obey the orders.

Credit to this thread.


The way I interpreted these quotes.. you are not required to give a second warning shot for the same order.


TL:DR - I think warning shots are perfectly fine the way they are, no reason to change them.

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I don't think that the warning shot itself should be changed, but limitations on the gun in which a warning shot should be ushered. Like, not warning shot with an AWP or a ssg-08 or a R8, all of which can unintentionally kill a player.

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Now, I don't think that warning shots are bad, but I do think that there should be a limit on the way they are used. Especially, with the guns used to warning shot with. For the past week, I can recount multiple times that I have been warning shot with an AWP, which commonly results in the death of a player and me. Also, the R8. Even the scout. All these weapons have the capability to one-shot a player without armor. Now, earlier today, a player used a R8 to warning shot me which ended up doing 102 dmg from the back/chest. Obviously, this isn't a warning shot. Also, I have been warning shot with a scout to the chest which one shots me. Also, based off the rules, there needs to be two warning shots given to the respecting player before he or she is actually killed. From my own experience, there have multiple times where some idiot decides to warning shot me with a chest deag shot or leg me with an AWP. Then, later that round, or at the same time, I am warning shot again, but killed due to the guns dmg. Now, warning shots shouldn't be removed, but it would be nice if we encouraged players to stray away from using weapons that do a significant amount of damage. Maybe lower what a warning shot must be, decreasing the dmg from 1-99 to maybe 1-50. Its just a thought and its really up to you guys to do what you please with this.


I don't think that the warning shot itself should be changed, but limitations on the gun in which a warning shot should be ushered. Like, not warning shot with an AWP or a ssg-08 or a R8, all of which can unintentionally kill a player.
You literally suggested the warning shot be reduced... As long as the shot does not kill the T then in my opinion I don't think it should matter what weapon you use. It is a warning shot for a reason.


My best advice to you is if you are getting warning shot more than once for the same order. Do not rebel.

If you do not suggest changing the warning shot itself anymore then why would it matter if someone shoots you for 99? @Andrew

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I don't think that the warning shot itself should be changed, but limitations on the gun in which a warning shot should be ushered. Like, not warning shot with an AWP or a ssg-08 or a R8, all of which can unintentionally kill a player.


The rule states that a warning shot is a shot that does between 1-99 dmg. If a player uses an awp to warning shot and accidentally kills the person, it is a freekill as that shot no longer falls under the category of a warning shot since it dealt more than 100 dmg. It is the conscious decision of these players to use guns they know can easily kills the Ts with a wrongful click, but there is nothing stopping them from pulling out their pistol and dealing a warning shot.

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I understand where you are coming from, mostly because it would make rules more and more confusing. However, the reason behind the post is to prevent accidental free kills. If an AWP was discouraged from being something to warning shot with, then it would minimize the chance of someone dying because another player shot them in a place where is wouldn't be considered a warning shot. Once again, I don't want to necessarily alter the amount of damage in which a shot should do, but rather the guns in which are allowed to be used to shoot someone with. I don't know if this makes anymore sense, just let me know if you have anymore questions. Im also not saying we need a specific RULE where is a "fake" warning shot, I think this should be categorized under freekill, but like I said above, If an AWP wasn't permitted to be a weapon that can be used to give a warning shot, then the chance of an accidental freekill is almost 0 in regards to warning shots.

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You literally suggested the warning shot be reduced... As long as the shot does not kill the T then in my opinion I don't think it should matter what weapon you use. It is a warning shot for a reason.


My best advice to you is if you are getting warning shot more than once for the same order. Do not rebel.

If you do not suggest changing the warning shot itself anymore then why would it matter if someone shoots you for 99? @Andrew


The reason why I said the damage might be reduced it because, lets say a certain weapon like an AWP is no longer allowed to usher a warning shot, if said player did more than 50 damage, it is worthy of a trip to medic. This isn't meant to be a thread on, changing the amount of damage a warning shot should do, more on what weapons can and cannot be used to give a warning shot.

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