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A few handy mg changes that are epic!

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SG mg has had 102.4 (I think) tick for a REALLY long time now now, and it is very obvious that 128 tick is dominating the bhop/course community as of now. It kind of makes sense for mg to switch over to 128 tick because it allows for "better" bhop. Since bhop is used in mg so often it doesn't make sense to use a tick that is considered to be a more skill based tick when most of the mg players are pretty bad at bhop. Switching over to a more uniform tick compared to most other mg/bhop/course servers may increase the chances of people wanting to stay on SG servers (I have seen a few mg regulars not want to play on mg because of the tick rate). Also quite a bit of mg regs bhop (xarix, me, ultra, kang, etc) so it is more comfortable switches between the servers.


Strafe Trainer-

Basically a tool to help people with their strafes it basically shows colors that tell you what you can improve on your strafes. These are the things this trainer can show you:

-Strafes too fast

-Strafes too slow

-Strafes are too long (horizontally)

-Strafes are too short (horizontally)

-Strafes are not in sync


I do not have the plugins for this yet, if admins/regs/etc. want this I can work with a couple of people to create a SG version for the mg and bhop server to help you guys ^.^


Recent Wave of AHK'rs/Optimizers on mg and bhop (I'm 90% sure of bhop xD)-

Basically AHK's are AutoHotKeys that sync up your movement with equally perfect strafes that are usually noticable unless they are pretty good at hiding it. I have recently have seen numerous people on mg optimize and it's pretty obvious and they should be dealt with because it is unfair to the newer mg players to have to compete with people having fucking 100% gains and always get to guns first, get spawncamped, etc.I have talked with a bhop friend who has a very good anti-cheat and has taught me how to make fairly good anti-cheats. I have tested the sample he made for me and it detects:


-Perfect Strafehack

-Most Aim/Wall/Rage Hacks


Most people use Mev or Cow's Optimizers btw (some prominent bhoppers that 100% optimize are dewb, wxz and xyz)


Permanent /stopmusic-

The music is fucking annoying and I'm too lazy to make the plugin so I'll ask retro for his plugin because it's pretty much the most complained about thing currently besides the steve hat xd


A Detailed Rule Pop-Up-

A lot of people who play on mg do not understand simple shit like what delaying, micspam and admin/player disrespect is. It is fucking annoying when some people yell at mg players when they stand in front of a difficult course section and wait a bit. I get that waiting 3 more seconds will make you wanna die, but some people want to complete damons course without the constant spam of "STOP FUCKING DELAYING FAGGOT" and "JUST KILL YOURSELF YOU'RE NOT GONNA PASS THIS PART". Some admins don't understand what micspam is because if you moan in a mic for 1 second when you die a couple of times that is not micspam and people should not be muted for that and if you forget to unmute that person for 10 minutes I understand why that player left SG mg. A plugin that pops up for admins and players every single time they connect to mg that contains rules to be clear because most admins and players do not type up /rules when they connect


Thanks for your time this post is just some shit that mg players complain about sometimes and what could make mg great again xd

-Black Shinobi

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  Black Shinobi said:

Most people use Mev or Cow's Optimizers btw (some prominent bhoppers that 100% optimize are dewb, wxz and xyz)


We did have Cow's Anti-cheat at one point, but it was discovered that he was programming it to not detect his hacks. I do wish we had a better system to detect hackers, as SMAC is really outdated.


  Black Shinobi said:

Permanent /stopmusic-


You can blame me for breaking this a while ago. I still have no idea what I did.

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Mev has made a really good anti-cheat and Optimizer uses it on his server I could ask him for it and Cow literally cracks anti cheats to keep his anti cheat the only one on the server. btw Cow cheats on the mg server on latenights xd, but he just has too many alts xd

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  Black Shinobi said:

SG mg has had 102.4 (I think) tick for a REALLY long time now now, and it is very obvious that 128 tick is dominating the bhop/course community as of now. It kind of makes sense for mg to switch over to 128 tick because it allows for "better" bhop. Since bhop is used in mg so often it doesn't make sense to use a tick that is considered to be a more skill based tick when most of the mg players are pretty bad at bhop. Switching over to a more uniform tick compared to most other mg/bhop/course servers may increase the chances of people wanting to stay on SG servers (I have seen a few mg regulars not want to play on mg because of the tick rate). Also quite a bit of mg regs bhop (xarix, me, ultra, kang, etc) so it is more comfortable switches between the servers.

Honestly I don't have an opinion either way on this. This could be a good addition i personally have never really noticed or had a problem with it.


Strafe Trainer-

Basically a tool to help people with their strafes it basically shows colors that tell you what you can improve on your strafes. These are the things this trainer can show you:

-Strafes too fast

-Strafes too slow

-Strafes are too long (horizontally)

-Strafes are too short (horizontally)

-Strafes are not in sync


I do not have the plugins for this yet, if admins/regs/etc. want this I can work with a couple of people to create a SG version for the mg and bhop server to help you guys ^.^

This seems completely unnecessary in my opinion people can learn from experiences and shouldn't have a bot holding their hand and I feel as though it diminishes other peoples ability whom have put thousands of hours into counter strike to perfect their movement also seems tedious to implement because every strafing situation is going to be different and i guarantee that whatever plugin is put in wouldn't be able to properly asses the situation and actually help. Also this would take a insanely long time to make when we could put the resources into more important plugins.


Recent Wave of AHK'rs/Optimizers on mg and bhop (I'm 90% sure of bhop xD)-

Basically AHK's are AutoHotKeys that sync up your movement with equally perfect strafes that are usually noticable unless they are pretty good at hiding it. I have recently have seen numerous people on mg optimize and it's pretty obvious and they should be dealt with because it is unfair to the newer mg players to have to compete with people having fucking 100% gains and always get to guns first, get spawncamped, etc.I have talked with a bhop friend who has a very good anti-cheat and has taught me how to make fairly good anti-cheats. I have tested the sample he made for me and it detects:


-Perfect Strafehack

-Most Aim/Wall/Rage Hacks


Most people use Mev or Cow's Optimizers btw (some prominent bhoppers that 100% optimize are dewb, wxz and xyz)

This is close to a tool we already have to be able to detect people using an AHK or is Hyper scrolling this seems unnecessary based off the fact we already have a tool to combat this, but could be beneficial against optimizer


Permanent /stopmusic-

The music is fucking annoying and I'm too lazy to make the plugin so I'll ask retro for his plugin because it's pretty much the most complained about thing currently besides the steve hat xd

in my opinion this isn't that important it is just fine muting the music yourself if you have a big problem with it make a bind to easily mute the music every map. I could agree it is an annoyance but I feel it doesn't warrant a plugin. unless lamp could fix it.


A Detailed Rule Pop-Up-

A lot of people who play on mg do not understand simple shit like what delaying, micspam and admin/player disrespect is. It is fucking annoying when some people yell at mg players when they stand in front of a difficult course section and wait a bit. I get that waiting 3 more seconds will make you wanna die, but some people want to complete damons course without the constant spam of "STOP FUCKING DELAYING FAGGOT" and "JUST KILL YOURSELF YOU'RE NOT GONNA PASS THIS PART". Some admins don't understand what micspam is because if you moan in a mic for 1 second when you die a couple of times that is not micspam and people should not be muted for that and if you forget to unmute that person for 10 minutes I understand why that player left SG mg. A plugin that pops up for admins and players every single time they connect to mg that contains rules to be clear because most admins and players do not type up /rules when they connect

First off someone randomly moaning in their mic without context is mic spamming if the admin asks them to stop and if they find it excessive and it is up to their digression to determine what is and isn't mic spam and all admin will have been well versed with the rules so they shouldn't have to read the rules every time they join, I don't understand the attack on admins in this post. I could get behind maybe something like we have at jb where it prompts the rules every time you load in but most of these rules carry over from other servers and should be general knowledge.


Thanks for your time this post is just some shit that mg players complain about sometimes and what could make mg great again xd

-Black Shinobi


Over all I feel like most of these are unnecessary based on whether we already have a plugin of the same nature or it is a minor inconvenience or would take to much resources and time to make for something that isn't that important. one or two of these I could see possibly being adding or changed mainly the tick rate and Rule pop up because these would possibly benefit the server in a positive way. not to say others suggest wouldn't but it wouldn't be worth it.

Edited by Lokibelowkey
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how would the recent wave of cheaters plaguing mg not be a problem, this shit ruins mg. Anti-cheats also are a must have for community servers because 80% of the time there are no admins on mg to catch the cheaters and most people knowledgeable on how to identify cheaters on mg don't have resources such as plays.tv, demos and admin by their side to deal with it. Since there are no mg admins that remotely even come close to knowing what AHK's and optimizers look like (besides Kyle and Clamor) so they can't ban them. Most people who are regulars on mg can't even spare the 10 fps to run recording software. Plus, many people are getting triggered because of the music on maps because it is fucking LOUD. Many mg regulars do closet hack and use mg as a way to check if their hacks are working (kind of how HvH works), because they don't get caught

plus you aren't doing the work so it isn't an inconvenience to you

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I can agree that the recent update has increased cheaters but I feel like you are blowing it way out of proportion I have been alot more active recently on mg and only found one aimbotter and a couple scripters saying that a huge wave of cheaters is using the fact that people might use their imaginations to capitalize on the facts that they may not know exactly what is happening to make them think that the amount of cheaters is alot more. Sure there is going to be an influx of cheaters but that is given when going free to play but I feel like there isn't so much that this is a pressing issue but could be a good idea.


I have my volume decently high and I have only had problems with loud music on a couple of maps out of the huge pool of maps I do not understand where you are getting your information because I have rarely heard any outcry about this problem other than on super tower.

I feel like you are taking situations the are not that serious an implying that they are huge problems.

And it may not be a direct inconvenience to me but I am saying the sheer amount of work someone would have to put in on something that probably wouldn't work is a inconceivably terrible idea when we could possibly have them work on solid plugins that we know would work and better the severs / community.

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  Black Shinobi said:

SG mg has had 102.4 (I think) tick for a REALLY long time now now, and it is very obvious that 128 tick is dominating the bhop/course community as of now. It kind of makes sense for mg to switch over to 128 tick because it allows for "better" bhop. Since bhop is used in mg so often it doesn't make sense to use a tick that is considered to be a more skill based tick when most of the mg players are pretty bad at bhop. Switching over to a more uniform tick compared to most other mg/bhop/course servers may increase the chances of people wanting to stay on SG servers (I have seen a few mg regulars not want to play on mg because of the tick rate). Also quite a bit of mg regs bhop (xarix, me, ultra, kang, etc) so it is more comfortable switches between the servers.


The reason MG is at 102.4 is because 128 causes a huge strain on the server and dedi, if it was put on 128 the server itself would be unplayable. On a second hand, 102.4 is a bhop and surf tick, it is a between for both bhop and surf without having specific plugins to help bhopping or surfing, adding one or the other would hurt the counterpart.


Strafe Trainer-

Basically a tool to help people with their strafes it basically shows colors that tell you what you can improve on your strafes. These are the things this trainer can show you:

-Strafes too fast

-Strafes too slow

-Strafes are too long (horizontally)

-Strafes are too short (horizontally)

-Strafes are not in sync


I do not have the plugins for this yet, if admins/regs/etc. want this I can work with a couple of people to create a SG version for the mg and bhop server to help you guys ^.^


Like stated previously, I do not see a reason for this, having a plugin like this is not going to help as the one way of getting better is to practice. I highly doubt having something tell you what you are doing wrong every 10 seconds is going to make you happy. On top of that everyone has their own strafe style and this would get really annoying for people that know how to bhop.


Recent Wave of AHK'rs/Optimizers on mg and bhop (I'm 90% sure of bhop xD)-

Basically AHK's are AutoHotKeys that sync up your movement with equally perfect strafes that are usually noticable unless they are pretty good at hiding it. I have recently have seen numerous people on mg optimize and it's pretty obvious and they should be dealt with because it is unfair to the newer mg players to have to compete with people having fucking 100% gains and always get to guns first, get spawncamped, etc.I have talked with a bhop friend who has a very good anti-cheat and has taught me how to make fairly good anti-cheats. I have tested the sample he made for me and it detects:


-Perfect Strafehack

-Most Aim/Wall/Rage Hacks


Most people use Mev or Cow's Optimizers btw (some prominent bhoppers that 100% optimize are dewb, wxz and xyz)


I very much doubt that you yourself know what an ahk is from the people you have called out before. There have been many times where you tell me someone is cheating, for me to get on the server, and find out they are just good bhopers or @Kyle on an alt. We also do have an anticheat, and cows anti cheat is know to ignore certain ahks. To talk about the admining, most if not all of our admins have access to atleast get the information on how to check if someone has scripts, macros, or is using an ahk.


Permanent /stopmusic-

The music is fucking annoying and I'm too lazy to make the plugin so I'll ask retro for his plugin because it's pretty much the most complained about thing currently besides the steve hat xd


We have a stop music plugin, and if you are too lazy to type it at the start of a map then that is your problem.


A Detailed Rule Pop-Up-

A lot of people who play on mg do not understand simple shit like what delaying, micspam and admin/player disrespect is. It is fucking annoying when some people yell at mg players when they stand in front of a difficult course section and wait a bit. I get that waiting 3 more seconds will make you wanna die, but some people want to complete damons course without the constant spam of "STOP FUCKING DELAYING FAGGOT" and "JUST KILL YOURSELF YOU'RE NOT GONNA PASS THIS PART". Some admins don't understand what micspam is because if you moan in a mic for 1 second when you die a couple of times that is not micspam and people should not be muted for that and if you forget to unmute that person for 10 minutes I understand why that player left SG mg. A plugin that pops up for admins and players every single time they connect to mg that contains rules to be clear because most admins and players do not type up /rules when they connect


Just going to copy this from Loki:


First off someone randomly moaning in their mic without context is mic spamming if the admin asks them to stop and if they find it excessive and it is up to their digression to determine what is and isn't mic spam and all admin will have been well versed with the rules so they shouldn't have to read the rules every time they join, I don't understand the attack on admins in this post. I could get behind maybe something like we have at jb where it prompts the rules every time you load in but most of these rules carry over from other servers and should be general knowledge.


Thanks for your time this post is just some shit that mg players complain about sometimes and what could make mg great again xd

-Black Shinobi



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