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Hello everyone,


After discussing it with the Board some more, we have decided to keep TeamSpeak for now, along with Discord. We are going to try and keep our Discord up to date so it doesn't become cluttered and gross (shoutout to Nishok, Wesker, and others for the huge amount of help they've given). While running the community, sometimes we forget some things should be brought to a much wider audience before actually making a decision, and this may have been one of those scenarios. While I cannot promise we will never switch to Discord fully, we will try and make huge community changes like that more public beforehand.


In turn, however, I think that some of you guys need to realize the ridiculousness that ensued following this. Some of you guys did the right thing, and some of you the wrong thing. Let's try and keep things a bit more civil the next time something like this happens again. Having to ban people because they can't contain their anger over a VOIP decision is pretty petty and dumb.


So, as stated, TeamSpeak will stay up. We have no plans on removing it now - and if we do, we will fill the community in before making a vote on something like that.





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Lmao imagine how many people just got relieved of their toxicity toward caution because of this. On a serious note though, I think this was one of the safest decisions you could’ve made in this circumstance cause there are people who prefer discord (me) and people who prefer TS.

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Imagine hating people for taking their source of communication away only to find out later that it wasn't going away in the first place





I'm personally glad it isn't going away just yet. Lord knows what I've seen in the general chat of our discord.



Plus, I can make as many custom channels I want, so big Pog for that.

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I know a lot of people prefer to use TS over Discord and that some people have even stuck around mostly because they have a teamspeak to talk to people with. Glad the decision was made to keep it for now, and also I apologize for stepping out of line a bit during the original announcement of the switchover.


Also Im pretty glad that Discord finally got a remodel since it was starting to seem a bit cluttered and unprofessional. Would still be a good idea to push out changes/updates for both platforms to keep things running smoothly

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Well rip every making the full switch. The community is too split to ever make the full switch. Hopefully we could at least see some more activity from discord now that we tried, instead of it being sg_shout_box_v2

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