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[JB Feedback] Forced Death-Games

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JB Feedback - Forced Death-Games


Hello everyone, recently we added forced death-games to the server which was a pretty big change considering our server has never really had them. I really liked the way we implemented them and I feel we got it to a good point where it wasn't immediately abused. From what I've heard, most people have liked how they've been used and at what frequency. However, I think we should try to get it to a better middle point where they're used a bit more often but still don't completely impede on how our server operates. This is my personal opinion, and I'm going to lay out some possible changes, but you guys can also use this thread to voice your opinions on death-games themselves.


Feel free to openly disagree with death-games being on the server at all. This thread is for everything related to them, not just the possible changes. I want to know if you guys want them off completely, want some changes made, or want to keep them like they are and why. Your opinions as people who play the server are highly valued and I'd like to hear from everyone to know what the general population wants.


Here are some possible changes to increase frequency of death-games. This is not finalized because this will still be discussed with CA+, but here is a starting point to get the discussion going:


-Change "CTs cannot force a death-game when there are 6 or less Ts alive." to "CTs cannot force a death-game when there are 4 or less Ts alive."


-Change "CTs cannot force a death-game before the clock hits 2:00." to "CTs cannot force a death-game before the clock hits 2:30."


Please post any feedback you have regarding death-games and these proposals.


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The death game time period is so late in the round that either all the Ts are rebelling or there's not enough left to force one. I think 2:30-3 would be an improvement that still gives the Ts enough time to rebel if they don't want to get forced into a death game.


As for the number of Ts left alive, I definitely feel that it should be more dynamic. If there's 12 CTs alive, you shouldn't be able to force it down to 6Ts, and if there's 4 CTs, you shouldn't have to leave 6 Ts alive, preventing LRs. Maybe change the rule to allow deathgames to be run until the same number of CTs and Ts remain?

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I know I was one of the people who suggested both points, but:


Regards to point 1 - in the majority of instances of forced deathgames occuring, CT's fail to turn off the deathgame in time before 6 T's left simply due to the nature of the deathgame (colors, deathcrate, etc.) and there tend to be


Regards to point 2 - somewhat split on this suggestion - there are rounds that are almost over by 2:00, and there are rounds that are not even close to done by 2:00. Decreasing the time from 2:00 => 2:30 allows for less delay on the CT's part as I've seen CT's just stall until 2:00 to force a deathgame. I worry that by changing the time to 2:30 CT's are incentivized to force a deathgame every round, but I doubt this will happen in practice.

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The death game time period is so late in the round that either all the Ts are rebelling or there's not enough left to force one. I think 2:30-3 would be an improvement that still gives the Ts enough time to rebel if they don't want to get forced into a death game.


As for the number of Ts left alive, I definitely feel that it should be more dynamic. If there's 12 CTs alive, you shouldn't be able to force it down to 6Ts, and if there's 4 CTs, you shouldn't have to leave 6 Ts alive, preventing LRs. Maybe change the rule to allow deathgames to be run until the same number of CTs and Ts remain?


I can't really think of anything else to say but I agree with all this ^^^

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I rarely play deathgames on the server. It's either all the CTs are dead or all the Ts are rebelling like Gentoo said. Also, we literally have a rotation of razor and vip so there aren't map death games to play. There's the occasional lego or spy v spy but it's hard to get to the point where we can force death game. I generally just try to thin out the Ts and then attempt to control the rest to be able to force a deathgame but they normally get bored and end up rebelling while I'm telling them to do the deathgame.


Change the rule so we can do DG easier.

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I really like the idea that the death game stops when you can force ln a way that you can quickly and effectively end the rounds. Also moving death games to be able to be forced at 2 30 was something I brought during the meeting and still feel that it should be implemented because usually by 2 T's have taken control or there are 6 or less T's alive.

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