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Directional orders

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Alright so recently I got killed for this order: "All t's line up shoulder to shoulder on the south wall of pool, face the wall and crouch." I was killed for looking at the wall at an angle. Now I've talked to some admins about this and they've all said that if you're cursor is facing the direction they tell you that it is considered following orders. I did exactly that and simply based on the CT's judgement and the admin RIGHT NEXT TO ME I was fairly killed for this exact reason. I was wondering whether this rule has changed or is going to change in any way seeing as the current state, while rare, does cause problems. (hoping for an answer from a higher up that will clarify this).

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there is no rule that currently goes against this order as it is a considered a reasonable order and as feildz said


As long as you're facing the direction, you should be fine and if a CT kills you because you are on a little bit of an angle, I believe that would be a freekill.
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the admin RIGHT NEXT TO ME


hi that was me.


I told you multiple times after you died that when I looked at you in game you weren't looking directly at the wall. You were looking to the side. You got warning shot and still didn't look directly at the wall. Sure CT's shouldn't be this harsh, however Yuki was that CT so can't really be helped. omega

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yo the fact is if the wall or thing is on your screen, you are facing it

that would be like saying to look at a bullet hole and they wait until everyone is killed by the afk manager

you don't have to put your cross hair on the thing you just have to face it

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If you are looking at the back wall and are just slightly looking towards to the left or right I would say that it would be a freekill. If you are just straight up looking to the left or right you do have grounds to get killed however I would not consider this a KOSable offense. A CT should be giving a warning shot for this and if you do not listen then you can be killed. The way I gauge it is typically if they say "take a step out of your cell face the back of your cell and freeze" I will look to the left or right to the point my crosshair is at the edge of either side of the cell doorway and beyond that I would consider that grounds for being able to give me a warning shot as I'm still technically looking at the back of my cell. At the end of the day, if they KOS you for it, it is a freekill, if they warning shot you for it and you disobey I'd say that is within the CT's right to kill you.

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Fuze, thank you for clarifying things. My final question is simply, how are admins supposed to handle these situations without seeing exactly what the supposedly freekilled person saw? I'm fine with the fact that dong couldn't see that I was looking at the wall, but I don't want that to be the only perspective of judgement, maybe add some honor system for this specific kind of order (that doesn't already favor the ct giving the order). Orrrr, as an extremist alternative, change the directional order entirely so that if someone was not so obviously following the order they could be given a chance to show that they aren't looking in the wrong area. (half of this is salty feedback and the other half is actual curiosity so a response is appreciated.

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Fuze, thank you for clarifying things. My final question is simply, how are admins supposed to handle these situations without seeing exactly what the supposedly freekilled person saw? I'm fine with the fact that dong couldn't see that I was looking at the wall, but I don't want that to be the only perspective of judgement, maybe add some honor system for this specific kind of order (that doesn't already favor the ct giving the order). Orrrr, as an extremist alternative, change the directional order entirely so that if someone was not so obviously following the order they could be given a chance to show that they aren't looking in the wrong area. (half of this is salty feedback and the other half is actual curiosity so a response is appreciated.


Without an admin directly seeing from the perspective of either you or the CT it is hard for them to handle the situation at all. They cannot do anything if they are either not spectating you or the CT or close enough to watch the entire engagement go down.


With that being said if they were able to see it from either the perspective of the CT or T or as a third party in the round I would advise them to use their better judgement. Were you clearly looking behind and or around you or were you just kinda quickly looking slightly left or right. Also were you already given a warning shot and kept tip toeing the line until the CT just decided to kill you or did they just immediately gun you down for one non-hostile act of rebelling. Depending on the situation I would say it would warrant a verbal warning or slay if needed. I would also encourage you to record in game that way if an admin didn't see it and you know that it was BS you can post a player complaint for a CA+ to look at and determine what should be done.


My best advice would be if you get warning shot for looking around just look directly at the back of your cell or whatever wall to avoid the situation altogether. Many times I do the same thing and if I get warning shot I will just accept the fact that either I'm dealing with a strict CT and not move my cursor and just knife the air to avoid the AFK Manager which in most cases, keeps me alive to rebel at another moment, or keep tip toeing that line and if I get killed after being warning shot then it is my fault.


I hope this answered your question.


EDIT: Also for your specific situation where the issue is with an admin himself, we trust our admins to make the right call in the server so if Dong says you were tip toeing that line, without any proof, I'm inclined to believe him. That is not to say there is no validity to your story and if you have proof I would encourage you to make an Admin Complaint just like you would with any other player for an AT+ to handle.

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