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Your Lucky Number Tells alot about you!

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It's Like The Title says, but how do you figure out your lucky number? :confused1:


well, it goes like so, you get your birthday date, mine is:




so you add up all the numbers in your birthdate,and you keep adding up until you get a number between 1 and 9


1+9+0+2+2+0+0+5= 19




so in this case my lucky number is 1 and once you get your lucky number this is what it says about you:


1: If this is your lucky number, you take the time to develop lasting relationships. You’re a leader and sometimes exhaust yourself doing too much – but you have marvelous powers of recovery. You’re most compatible with persons whose lucky number is 4 or 9.


2: You’re at peace with yourself and happy. You’re easily hurt and sensitive, and usually lucky when it comes to money. Your partner has to be romantic and affectionate. Compatible with numbers 7 and 9.


3: You’re an idealist who feels that friendship and companionship can be more important than a sexual relationship. You take yourself too seriously, and as a result you can miss out on some of the fun in life. You have excellent intuition. Compatible numbers are 5 and 6.


4: Despite your cool exterior, you’re really affectionate. You tend to be possessive and are apt to be a hoarder, but you have a habit of making unexpected generous gestures. Compatible numbers are 1 and 8.


5: You have a tremendous capacity for giving – you often give of your money and affection. You’re the first to fall for a hard luck story. You have an extraordinary sense of humor and are very friendly. Compatible numbers are 5 and 3.


6: There’s more than a hint of jealousy in your nature – but you have a good love life. You’re physically active and a real go-getter in life. Compatible numbers are 2 and 3.


7: You have loads of sympathy for others, but you rarely wear your heart on your sleeve. You’re very neat – “a place for everything in its place” is your motto. Compatible numbers are 4 and 6.


8. You like luxury and love having fun. You prefer your love life to be stable and are loyal to others – but you can be possessive and extremely stubborn when you feel you are right. Compatible numbers are 1 and 6.


9: Imaginative and conscientious, you love color and display. You let your head rule your heart when it comes to love, but you are a sensuous person once you let go. Compatible numbers are 1 and 9.



KEEP IN MIND, These are NOT 100% true but it's only for fun.

Edited by Asher
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  • Content Count:  367
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Um, I got one:

BOT_Moon 1: If this is your lucky number, you take the time to develop lasting relationships. You’re a leader and sometimes exhaust yourself doing too much – but you have marvelous powers of recovery. You’re most compatible with persons whose lucky number is 4 or 9.

Tell me if you’re 4-9 ;)

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