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i think there should be a votekick system for people breaking the rules when there arent any admins on and you must have atleast 20-30 hours of playtime of any server to cast a vote so it wont get abused by a group of friends or something

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Absolutely not, if supposed "rule breaker" were to breaks rules and to be kicked, what would defer them from rejoining and just keep breaking rules until another vote kick be in place?


Votekick may also be used by regular players who tend to like to troll because they are regulars and ruin the experience of other players.


If there are no admins on, record, make a player complaint. We are volunteer admins, this is not our full-time job :)

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With the amount of times people like to spam 1 on votes for maps i don't think i'd let just anyone have access to kick powers. Especially with joke votekicks everyone just likes to vote yes for the troll aspect of it. Of course no doubt it could be used for the right thing but could be extremely abused.

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This has been discussed multiple times over the span of SG's history here, here, here, here, here, and here. Every time it's been rejected because of the potential for players to abuse it, regardless of the minimum number of players or minimum playtime set. I don't think it's a good idea at this time considering this possibility of abuse.

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here's a way this would actually work- but it'd require the honorable gamer status to be given out more, or a rank like that.


Only sg-hon's have access to the command, and if other hon's are on they HAVE to vote yes or it will not kick, requires something like 90-95% of players. I can't see this being abused

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  Light7 said:
here's a way this would actually work- but it'd require the honorable gamer status to be given out more, or a rank like that.


Only sg-hon's have access to the command, and if other hon's are on they HAVE to vote yes or it will not kick, requires something like 90-95% of players. I can't see this being abused


Take a good look at our SG Hon boys, please tell me how many play on the servers and then look at how many have logged back on the forums.

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If this was to happen, abuse would need to be an offense follow by a report.

Something more than VIP like honorable gamer would make a great candidate like @Light7 was saying.


Can't believe I agree with Light. I'm way prettier than him.

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  tiny quail said:
Make more, duh. Or something of the same relevance. @Im Sad


Honorable Gamers are long-time players who have contributed more than the average player. They can be nominated by our admins for Honorable Gamer and voted on by the higher staff if they have 200+ posts on the forum and no recent bans. If approved, they will be promoted and allowed to wear the tag of SG.Hon while in-game


Please read this...


I’m not saying I don’t trust half the members, regulars, or even some admins but it takes a long process to get to that rank. Not making anyone who’s an admin give up hope, but it’s a very rare occurrence for a regular member to get HG. *COUGH* DARNIAS *COUGH*

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Edited by Im Sad
my man Darnias
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