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vipinthemix's ladder in soccer

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Always wondered why is it was kos, mind explaining? I kill people on the ladder and then they proceed to tell me to slay because "it isn't kos". Would like to clear this up.

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• Rebelling is when a prisoner: picks up a primary weapon, draws/equips a pistol/zeus, harms/kills a CT, breaks out of a cell, blatantly disobeys or enters a KOS zone:


KOS zones include:

- Areas or things that connect to armory (armory catwalks, armory stairs, etc.)

- SOME Teleporters (see FAQ post below)

- Armory

- Vents

- Invisible Walls/Objects/Buttons/Ladders (invisible ladders are KOS unless they can't be avoided)

- Secrets




The ladder isn't invisible so not it's not KOS

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• Rebelling is when a prisoner: picks up a primary weapon, draws/equips a pistol/zeus, harms/kills a CT, breaks out of a cell, blatantly disobeys or enters a KOS zone:


KOS zones include:

- Areas or things that connect to armory (armory catwalks, armory stairs, etc.)

- SOME Teleporters (see FAQ post below)

- Armory

- Vents

- Invisible Walls/Objects/Buttons/Ladders (invisible ladders are KOS unless they can't be avoided)

- Secrets




The ladder isn't invisible so not it's not KOS


Pretty much this.

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Pretty much this.


We discussed this quick and we determined that although not explicitly stated above, a ladder leading directly to a secret falls under the same logic as ladders connected to cat walks.


In this case that ladder is infact KOS since it's directly connected to a secret and we will update the thread referenced above to clearly state this.

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