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TTT version of !fk

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Make !rdm or !fk a thing for ttt. I don't see a problem with it other than abuse, however, that can obviously be combated with admin discretion. Hopefully. I don't really see why I would make this thread much longer but here we are.

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  Noxstar said:
Make !rdm or !fk a thing for ttt. I don't see a problem with it other than abuse, however, that can obviously be combated with admin discretion. Hopefully. I don't really see why I would make this thread much longer but here we are.


!calladmin serves that exact purpose. If someone is RDM'd a report gets sent to Discord so it can be dealt with. If an admin is online then the admin is notified in chat. I don't really think we need this command - in fact, !fk on JB can probably be removed since it's redundant at this point.

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  fantastic said:
!calladmin serves that exact purpose. If someone is RDM'd a report gets sent to Discord so it can be dealt with. If an admin is online then the admin is notified in chat. I don't really think we need this command - in fact, !fk on JB can probably be removed since it's redundant at this point.


Not really. It's a much faster way of notifying admins that a freekill or rdm has occurred. Much faster than typing a sentence through admin chat and I feel as if admin chat is only for communicating what happened in the situation rather than a quick notification. I already know that rdm's get reported to discord if an admin isn't on are you really going to answer 30 discord pings everytime it happens? More of a rhetorical question :/


edit: Completely forgot you mentioned !calladmin but I'd only use that if you know or dont think an admin is on or undercover. !fk isn't redundant since you can only use it within a timespan from your death. An admin can react quicker if they have no situation at hand.

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  Noxstar said:
Not really. It's a much faster way of notifying admins that a freekill or rdm has occurred. Much faster than typing a sentence through admin chat and I feel as if admin chat is only for communicating what happened in the situation rather than a quick notification.


Huh? !calladmin is two button clicks to report someone, so it is a quick notification.


  Noxstar said:
I already know that rdm's get reported to discord if an admin isn't on are you really going to answer 30 discord pings everytime it happens? More of a rhetorical question :/


I agree with the first point, but your suggestion was to add !rdm similar to !fk. !fk puts a message in chat for in-game admins that someone has freekilled. !calladmin puts a message in chat for in-game admins that someone has freekilled. Isn't that the same functionality?


In fact, !fk doesn't do anything if no admins are online AFAIK, but !calladmin sends a notification to Discord. So wouldn't you want !calladmin instead of !fk, regardless of what the response time is for calladmin on Discord?

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You're asking for an additional command that serves the same purpose as an already existing command? Am I missing some details behind why you need this or is your only reason for wanting !rdm is so you don't have to write an explanation through admin chat/!calladmin?

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  fantastic said:
Huh? !calladmin is two button clicks to report someone, so it is a quick notification.


I agree with the first point, but your suggestion was to add !rdm similar to !fk. !fk puts a message in chat for in-game admins that someone has freekilled. !calladmin puts a message in chat for in-game admins that someone has freekilled. Isn't that the same functionality?


In fact, !fk doesn't do anything if no admins are online AFAIK, but !calladmin sends a notification to Discord. So wouldn't you want !calladmin instead of !fk, regardless of what the response time is for calladmin on Discord?


We can't type !calladmin with an admin online, AFK or not. What @Noxstar is saying is true, typing !fk is easier than typing a sentence. The same would apply for TTT for admins that are online. Sure it's an extra command, but it gives the player the ability to send in a report asap without either, A. a lengthy mini-paragraph, or B. spam in chat.

Edited by TheZZL
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  fantastic said:
Huh? !calladmin is two button clicks to report someone, so it is a quick notification.


I meant typing it out, might've been a little obscured. Sorry about that.


  fantastic said:

I agree with the first point, but your suggestion was to add !rdm similar to !fk. !fk puts a message in chat for in-game admins that someone has freekilled. !calladmin puts a message in chat for in-game admins that someone has freekilled. Isn't that the same functionality?


!fk and !rdm would be a notifications from the players that know that the admins are in-game. !calladmin is more of a "no admin need help" sort of situation. Of course both of them notify the admins of a freekill however calladmin was meant to be used for notifying admins that aren't on the servers at the time, hence the name CALL the ADMINS.


  fantastic said:

In fact, !fk doesn't do anything if no admins are online AFAIK, but !calladmin sends a notification to Discord. So wouldn't you want !calladmin instead of !fk, regardless of what the response time is for calladmin on Discord?


I don't want to repeat myself :|

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Wait wait what?



Who said you can't type !calladmin when an admin is online. Of course you can type it, the admin will just tell you to not if he is online and then will handle your complaint. No one is going to ban you for !calladmin once when an admin is online. If literally the only reasoning for this is I'm too lazy to type "[name] rdmed me" I have absolutely no clue what else you might want.


you literally will still have to type out additional details of the situation so the admin can come to a conclusion so this argument of it being easier than typing a sentence is completely ridiculous.

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  TheZZL said:
We can't type !calladmin with an admin online, AFK or not. What @Noxstar is saying is true, typing !fk is easier than typing a sentence. The same would apply for TTT for admins that are online


Huh? You can - I just did it. And you don't need to type a sentence. You only need to type a sentence if it's a custom reason, but there are pre-defined reasons that you just have to click. 1 button press to select a player, 1 button press to select a reason. A report gets sent to an admin in-game.




  Noxstar said:

!fk and !rdm would be a notifications from the players that know that the admins are in-game. !calladmin is more of a "no admin need help" sort of situation. Of course both of them notify the admins of a freekill however calladmin was meant to be used for notifying admins that aren't on the servers at the time, hence the name CALL the ADMINS.


Regardless of its original intent its current purpose and functionality matches !fk perfectly. !calladmin still gives a report in-game if an admin is online. So indeed, !calladmin is both "admin there's a freekiller" if there is an admin on or "no admin nee help" if there is no admin online.


  Noxstar said:
I meant typing it out, might've been a little obscured. Sorry about that.


Why does a 6 character difference between !rdm and !calladmin justify a completely new plugin T_T.

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  Greggy G said:
You're asking for an additional command that serves the same purpose as an already existing command? Am I missing some details behind why you need this or is your only reason for wanting !rdm is so you don't have to write an explanation through admin chat/!calladmin?


More of the 2nd reason, knowing it's kind of a lazy thing to add, it's more or less the same as !fk in jailbreak. Just suggesting we can add it to TTT for comfort and help the admins in a way where it's easier to locate who did what instead of sometimes writing "@someone fk'ed me" or "@Detective fk'ed So and so" !calladmin is meant for offline admins. I obviously know you can do it while admins are online but most players are used to being told by admins to not use !calladmin when admins are online. Another reason for !rdm.


  fantastic said:
Huh? You can - I just did it. And you don't need to type a sentence. You only need to type a sentence if it's a custom reason, but there are pre-defined reasons that you just have to click. 1 button press to select a player, 1 button press to select a reason. A report gets sent to an admin in-game.






Regardless of its original intent its current purpose and functionality matches !fk perfectly. !calladmin still gives a report in-game if an admin is online. So indeed, !calladmin is both "admin there's a freekiller" if there is an admin on or "no admin nee help" if there is no admin online.


I know there is no rule for using !calladmin while admins are online but admins enforce "Don't use calladmin when admins are online" Something that should be discussed and something that came into my mind when I made this thread. I'm not done explaining myself but this is mostly what I mean to say.

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