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2nd Scrim Server.

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A second scrim server would be better. So less people have to wait 1 or 2 scrim games just to play.

I dont know how to elaborate, but I could discuss further, if any questions.

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I don't think we need a second scrim server as we don't have enough people in spec to field two whole teams. Usually there are only like 2 or 3 specs in a game, but only on certain occasions can it go to something like 5 or 6, which is only one more team, not 2. This has been argued before and has been rejected.

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  Tyymunk said:
Why would we need more than 1 scrim server? If you don’t like waiting then just play some other time...


because people are impatient and sometimes there can be occasions where there are upwards from 6 players and up sitting in spectator with broken huds

While from hindsight this would be a good suggestion, I don't think it's practical to have another server for the unfortunate other 10 people that couldn't make it into the game. Just too rare of an occurrence or situation for it to be the leading factor for a 2nd scrim server.

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  Racc said:
A second scrim server would be better. So less people have to wait 1 or 2 scrim games just to play.

I dont know how to elaborate, but I could discuss further, if any questions.


Much like @Kopsta said, most of the time we have 2-4 spectators tops, so I don't see much of a point of adding a second scrim server when sometimes we can barely get enough people to start a game alone. If there is a situation where the scrim server is full, as in 15/15 slots of the server, then tough luck I suppose. I don't personally think a second scrim server is needed, nor would it really ever get a game going.


(If anything, there are other servers that would be more of a prime candidate to have a second server.)

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Recently we have been filling spectator all the time so people aren't going to wait so it will lower a little. We might as well give it a shot to test it out as the waits are just too long.

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This summer we easily could have filled 2 scrim servers. However, now that the summer is coming to an end, there's no point. People will be back at school and won't be playing any of the servers as much.

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  tides said:
This summer we easily could have filled 2 scrim servers. However, now that the summer is coming to an end, there's no point. People will be back at school and won't be playing any of the servers as much.


We still have a couple weeks left of summer and I wouldn't think it'd be much effort to duplicate the existing scrim server for a few weeks... @Exk thoughts?

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