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[JB] Forcing a Second Map Made Deathgame if the First One Breaks

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In certain scenarios, we'll try and do deathrun or colors but the deathgame will not function as intended. In these scenarios (If no T's have died) I like to take the T's to a second and functioning deathgame. I understand that the rule is:

• CTs can only force one death-game per round.
, however when a deathgame like deathrun is un-useable (everyone has tripped all the traps) is it okay to force their "second" deathgame.
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I would say yes


You are only telling them to go to deathrun, not to do it so it's technically not forcing a deathgame. I would say its completely fine for you to say "All Ts bombrush to the start of deathrun" and if the traps are unavailable, it is fine to say something like "All Ts bombrush Colors and be on the platform" since you didn't force a deathgame before hand.

Edited by Error.
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I personally wouldn’t see a problem with this. As long as no one died to the first deathgame that broke I believe it should be fine having them go to a different one. It could just be considered as a regular location order instead of a deathgame order.

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If the game didn't start, then the deathgame wasn't forced to begin with. The rule doesn't need to be changed; it could just bring further complications to death games in general. Also, if a death game isn't working as intended you might as well report the map bug so rules like this wouldn't need to be implemented in the first place.

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In certain scenarios, we'll try and do deathrun or colors but the deathgame will not function as intended. In these scenarios (If no T's have died) I like to take the T's to a second and functioning deathgame. I understand that the rule is: , however when a deathgame like deathrun is un-useable (everyone has tripped all the traps) is it okay to force their "second" deathgame.


Yes, you can start a "second" deathgame (if it's the same deathgame) if it isn't functioning as intended to begin with, or if you stop it prematurely with >4 people alive. For example, if deathcrate starts and a shitton of people get killed and I stop it because I don't want to go under 4 people, but I notice that there's 7 people alive, I can start it back up to get to the


Good question, thanks!

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