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Introduction Vids for each server

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Hello. If you would like to help out your respected server that you play the most you could help us in making intro vids for each server. we would like people who know how the server they play the most make a guide for newer players. anyone can try and we appreciate all the participation we could get. Thank you and have fun on our many server's

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This has been brought up a few times for TTT and JB but barely managed to get off the ground. I believe this is because this would be best accomplished using the test servers to record footage, but the staff with access are lacking the time or interest for it.


I had personally pushed for it in the past, but hit a wall when staff shelved it at the time. I would recommend trying to capture your own footage on our servers and working with friends, unless any higher ups are particularly interested in getting this off the ground right now.

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I do understand where you’re coming from but newer players are probably not going to have a forums account and won’t spend the time to watch the whole vid. I believe the best is still the present !rules !info or !faq commands for in game learning. Plus if a player does not understand something hopefully either a regular can provide them with correct answers or if an admin is on can help them.

Edited by Trazz
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  Kuri said:
Maybe a reg/admin could make one as an example to give people the push they need


I'm pretty sure @Noxstar was one of the people who was heading this back when he was admin (right). There were a group of regs/admins working on this but I guess it never took off like others said.


Also an intro video isn't something casual players would watch or care for.

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I think this is a good idea for advertisement getting the word of us out there maybe post it on YouTube or something i will be willing to aid in helping the production of these videos if this gets approve good idea @Kuri

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Excuse me but do any of you realize what this post was for? This was not for a discussion it was a thread giving people a way to contribute to their community. This was in no way made for all of you guys to do what you did this WAS for users to post about how they're interested in the idea of being a volunteer and helping make a guide on how to play their respected server.

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  Kuri said:
Excuse me but do any of you realize what this post was for? This was not for a discussion it was a thread giving people a way to contribute to their community. This was in no way made for all of you guys to do what you did this WAS for users to post about how they're interested in the idea of being a volunteer and helping make a guide on how to play their respected server.


This is in the SG Suggestions box, making it a suggestion for people to comment about. If you're trying to recruit people for this make it in a different sub-forum. Regardless, the whole point of the other responses was that an idea like this might not take off. For example: A. Rules are subject to change, B. Casual players don't really want to go watch a 2-5 minute long video about a server they have to stop playing to learn about, !rules and !info are plenty enough C. The managers of the servers might not even want this idea. If someone were able to find the thread about this, we could figure out why the idea never took off when it was first suggested.

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