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Why is racism up to "admin discretion"

Racism shouldn't be tolerated whatsoever. There is never a reason to actually use such a vulgar language. When I came back to playing SG this year it was updated to admin discretion. When previously it was not acceptable. Racism is supposed to be getting better in the world. Yet we still accept it on the servers?

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@Lizard , I'm going to move this to rule discussion since this is indeed a rule discussion. We've had multiple discussions about this in the past so I strongly encourage you to read over those (you can search for threads via Google or in the search box above). You will definitely want to read this as well: https://www.steam-gamers.net/forum/showthread.php?t=61024.

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@Lizard , I'm going to move this to rule discussion since this is indeed a rule discussion. We've had multiple discussions about this in the past so I strongly encourage you to read over those (you can search for threads via Google or in the search box above). You will definitely want to read this as well: https://www.steam-gamers.net/forum/showthread.php?t=61024.


Ok thanks

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Should probably update that thread :|


I'll keep it short because I'm at work but racism is still not allowed at SG. Any sort of harassment or derogatory language aimed at people should be getting warned and then banned if continued. The rule changed to allow slang In casual conversation. If you see someone using the language in a discriminatory fashion please don't hesitate to submit a player complaint.

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I agree that racism and racial slurs are bad. But I do not think that players should be restrained from using them here and there in casual conversation, as some people integrated some of these words into their list of vocabulary words that they use everyday. It has come to the point where part of society has accepted these words as essentially regular “curse words”, as opposed to actually discriminating someone. Some popular books that schools use have racial slurs in them and most commonly you see racial slurs in a lot of music in this day and age. These words now don’t have the same type of weight as they had before since more people accept it and a lot of people use it in a different way, even though some of these words have a very long history behind them.


Also as far as the “Admin Discretion” goes I think that admins(including me) are a bit too lenient with it and should try to be more strict with it, since there have been times where players have overstepped their boundaries multiple times and didn’t get punished for it and for that I’m sorry and I should have personally done a better job at handling the situation.

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I think it should stay the way it is rn the n word is a sensitive topic while you guys do have a point if we just keep it the way that it is the forums could be a more professional place. That being said shout box is the most unprofessional part of the forums so I think shout box should be able to use the n word

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