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Extending Round Times

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This was discussed in the JB Meeting, I'm making this thread so the suggestion doesn't get lost.


Maps such as jb_clouds_sg, jb_undertale_v1e, jb_arcade_b4 and jb_mountaincraft_v6 are huge. There is so much to do and much to see but not enough time. Maps like these should have the rounds extended to allow for full exploration and usage of the map, this can be changed but possibly 7-9 minute rounds. An example is extreme climb on clouds, Its a struggle to finish it in the allotted time frame at the moment.


@TheZZL also suggested there be a player limit to start extended round time on these maps. As well as the round auto ending after a long period of time with no deaths, to prevent delaying. This auto end would also only happen under a certain player count.

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Edited by Infinityward
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  Dom said:
either extend round times for those specific maps, have the timer increase by x amount of minutes for every 10 people playing on the server starting at 20 or have players vote to increase round times


I think keeping it map specific with the round killer makes it a lot simpler.

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This sounds like a good idea but just one thing.


  Infinityward said:

As well as the round auto ending after a long period of time with no deaths, to prevent delaying.


About how long of a period would the round end, and will the "no deaths" count self kills? Because if it does that would just delay the round more.

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  Auto said:
This sounds like a good idea but just one thing.




About how long of a period would the round end, and will the "no deaths" count self kills? Because if it does that would just delay the round more.


Suicides would count towards deaths and therefore reset the timer, The whole point of the suggestion is to stop delaying. If people are killing themselves then that decreases the player count and stops delays. I'd say the round would end after 3-5 mintues of no deaths, but that is @TheZZL suggestion. I'll let him explain it in a bit more detail.

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I think that we should test it out and extend the round to like 6 minutes but not 7-8 minutes. Most of these big maps CTs just order them to go to one or two areas and have Ts sit there for the rest of the round majority of the time. I don’t think that extending the time that much will help players explore the map but would rather delay the round even longer.

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  Infinityward said:
Suicides would count towards deaths and therefore reset the timer, The whole point of the suggestion is to stop delaying. If people are killing themselves then that decreases the player count and stops delays. I'd say the round would end after 3-5 mintues of no deaths, but that is @TheZZL suggestion. I'll let him explain it in a bit more detail.


I was thinking a minute and a half of no deaths the round ends, this way people aren’t forced to wait an extremely long time. Just to add, all of this round time extension and round ender would only be enabled with a certain number of people alive.




  Takuto said:
I think that we should test it out and extend the round to like 6 minutes but not 7-8 minutes. Most of these big maps CTs just order them to go to one or two areas and have Ts sit there for the rest of the round majority of the time. I don’t think that extending the time that much will help players explore the map but would rather delay the round even longer.



It’s not really about exploring the map, but being able to do more fun things. If there’s delay that’s where the round ender comes in play.

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  Infinityward said:
As well as the round auto ending after a long period of time with no deaths, to prevent delaying. This auto end would also only happen under a certain player count.


this could potentially lead to the "troll" cts freekilling random Ts to keep the round from auto ending

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  Dom said:
this could potentially lead to the "troll" cts freekilling random Ts to keep the round from auto ending


Make a player complaint. There are plenty of things cts can do from stopping the round ender (LR’s and Deathgames). I actually suggest the round ender to disable once lrs are activated. This gives an incentive to start lrs, and makes the round end naturally. On top of that, we already have a rule protecting lr delaying so we’re fine in that area.

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