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[FFA] Respawn bugs/suggestions

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1. Every time you respawn there's a message in the middle of your screen saying "You are playing Steam-Gamers.net FFA DM" - this gets really annoying after a while and I'm not aware of a way to disable this. Could we please reconsider this feature?


2. On respawn your screen goes dark for 1-2 seconds before brightening up again. This gets annoying very quickly... not sure if this is on just my side or everyone.


3. The spawns seem a bit off. Other servers seem to respawn you in areas where there aren't people so you aren't domed on spawn, but I've found that our plugin doesn't seem to do this (?). This leads to a people camping spawns. Not sure if this is because our population is too high or if there's a problem with the plugin.


4. Something to consider but not something I'm pushing for is a more sensitive AFK Manager so people who aren't active are moved to spec quicker. Considering the low slot # on this server as well as the already crowded map, this may benefit us.


Thanks :).

Edited by fantastic
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  fantastic said:
1. Every time you respawn there's a message in the middle of your screen saying "You are playing Steam-Gamers.net FFA DM" - this gets really annoying after a while and I'm not aware of a way to disable this. Could we please reconsider this feature?


2. On respawn your screen goes dark for 1-2 seconds before brightening up again. This gets annoying very quickly... not sure if this is on just my side or everyone.


3. The spawns seem a bit off. Other servers seem to respawn you in areas where there aren't people so you aren't domed on spawn, but I've found that our plugin doesn't seem to do this (?). This leads to a people camping spawns. Not sure if this is because our population is too high or if there's a problem with the plugin.


4. Something to consider but not something I'm pushing for is a more sensitive AFK Manager so people who aren't active are moved to spec quicker. Considering the low slot # on this server as well as the already crowded map, this may benefit us.


Thanks :).


Will look into all of this and get back to you

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1. Every time you respawn there's a message in the middle of your screen saying "You are playing Steam-Gamers.net FFA DM" - this gets really annoying after a while and I'm not aware of a way to disable this. Could we please reconsider this feature?


2. On respawn your screen goes dark for 1-2 seconds before brightening up again. This gets annoying very quickly... not sure if this is on just my side or everyone.


3. The spawns seem a bit off. Other servers seem to respawn you in areas where there aren't people so you aren't domed on spawn, but I've found that our plugin doesn't seem to do this (?). This leads to a people camping spawns. Not sure if this is because our population is too high or if there's a problem with the plugin.


4. Something to consider but not something I'm pushing for is a more sensitive AFK Manager so people who aren't active are moved to spec quicker. Considering the low slot # on this server as well as the already crowded map, this may benefit us.


1. This is gone now as the new plugin doesn't have a welcome message


2. This has been fixed with new plugin.


3. Spawns now check for line of sight and spawn you outside the line of sight of another player if possible.


4. Since its a FFA Deathmatch you are dying pretty consistently. If I put AFK manager on it would have almost no effect as you're probably going to die and reset the timer before you get moved. This could change in the future but for now Im going to leave it off.

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