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Forcing a deathgame with no recall button

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Some people think that you are not allowed to force death games that have no recall button/stopping mechanism. Good examples would be: Deathrun, Breakfloor, Deathjump, Lasers, Elevator, etc.. Thoughts?


Personally I've always thought you'd been able to, but I just need this reassurance so these very adamant players can relax.

Edited by TheZZL
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CTs cannot force a death-game when there are 4 or less Ts alive. CTs must, to the best of their ability, cease the death-game if it gets to this number. found here

clearly shows that if there is no recall button you cannot stop it to the best of your ability and that you can start the death game

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I'd say you are allowed to do them, what they are worried about is players dying after LR becomes available. The JB team should talk about it, but in my opinion, I think you are allowed to force those death games.


Ever since I started playing JB, people have forced those death games and no one has really ever had a problem with them (until now)

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CTs cannot force a death-game when there are 4 or less Ts alive. CTs must, to the best of their ability, cease the death-game if it gets to this number. found here

clearly shows that if there is no recall button you cannot stop it to the best of your ability and that you can start the death game


Those same rules also state:

The map made death-game must give the Ts a reasonable chance to live.


So in this sense, these death games are allowed. I can try to the best of my ability as a CT to halt a death game by asking the T's to go backward in deathrun, tell the T's to jump off of break floor, etc. . If we were to not allow these types of death games, we'd lose a large variety of fun things for us to do.

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Those same rules also state:


So in this sense, these death games are allowed. I can try to the best of my ability as a CT to halt a death game by asking the T's to go backward in deathrun, tell the T's to jump off of break floor, etc. . If we were to not allow these types of death games, we'd lose a large variety of fun things for us to do.


if it is an easy death game just because it doesn't have a recall button doesn't inherently make it unreasonable to live

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if it is an easy death game just because it doesn't have a recall button doesn't inherently make it unreasonable to live


Every death game has a reasonable chance to live/beat it. Some are random luck and a good portion are skill. Those that are not possible to beat, have been changed for our servers to make them non-forceable (High Dive with 25 people).

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for shit like breakfloor (on spy v spy at least) you can jump out without dying (not like anyone ever does breakfloor). for deathrun you can always go back. for the other shit, just don't die and if you do don't be a child and complain about it for 10min cause its just one round unless someones forcing one of the mentioned dgs every round to purposely not allow the 4 t's to "win". if any of the map makers wanna go ahead and add recall buttons that would be great but there's really no issue with starting a deathgame without a recall feature, people are just being petty.

ps. if anyone wants to add a recall button to bhop on moonjail that would be lovely, thanks.

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It’s not required that CTs have to have 4 or more after a forced death game but they have to at least try any way possible to get it. With these death games that Ts can’t get out of CTs should try to help them get out if they can. From the examples that you’ve listed with death games such as deathrun the CTs can just stop pressing the traps and have the Ts try to complete the whole thing or go backwards, another example would be colors on spy vs spy, CTs can’t stop it but they can just tell the Ts to jump off the platform when there are 4 or less Ts left alive. With a death game like moonjail lasers or elevator (I believe this death game actually has a stop button but I’m not too sure) where you just can’t stop it at all as a CT then it is completely fine as you can’t do anything about it and the only way for them to get out is to use their own skill to get out.

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Spoke to the team and came to the conclusion that there is no need for a change to the current rule set so it will remain as is.

CTs can only force map made death-games. The map made death-game must give the Ts a reasonable chance to live.

Majority of the listed death-games and others alike, do provide a reasonable chance for the Ts to exit even if a recall/stop button is not present. We felt that it wasn't needed because any death-games that we could think of didn't need an extra recall button or a rule change - it's too much effort for too little reward.


If found any death-games that appear to be "broken", then feel free to make a map fix request here.

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