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Now this is all of my opinions of how Jb sg can transform into a better and fun server . Now um not saying that sg jb should change um talking bout aesthetically pleasing stuff.


My first idea is if its possible to change from normal !ws skins to custom made skins. Of course i am talking bout workshop skins, now a lot and i mean a lot of skins for weapons look really cool but are just not in game. I am not sure about how the modding side of this works for these things to happen but i've seen a couple of people that make there own weapon skins and are a part of the media team here in sg. Incorporating some of the skins would just make it look better and i think for the most part people are sick of the same skins because we are all human we keep wanting more.


My second idea is adding on more player models. I heard u guys are making a halloween event with new player models and that sounds cool just imagine everyone having cool looking model . Now i know its not a god damn club penguin game and its sg but this would look really freaking cool. Here are some examples, 1

2 and yes there are many models in the game but there are really trash ones for non vip/sub players. It may seem as though its bad because people that pay for vip get the same thing that everyone's get but i have a idea for that to. I may have just took grade 9 business but there is one thing i do know for sure if we incorporate more things FOR the CUSTOMER then they will PLAY more and love the server more. Also, if i joined sg jb for the first time with all of this i would stick in the server more and play more. Meaning that more people will come in meaning more people that would pay more in the community and making sg one fun ass server to be in ( also to put money in someones bank account).


Here is my idea for vip in sub players and it may seem like a bad one but trust me i would buy it if this were to be a thing. In jb there are ratio stackers, but if we added a !ct command then if a player did that they would be made ct next round if ratio would not be stacked.There fore meaning that ratio stacking would not matter because they would be switched if a new player left ct or if more people joined in. Here's my idea on how we make vip/sub worth it, not only would they get more player models and maybe if possible new weapon skins others cant have but also, priority. What i mean by that is with this !ct command these players would have first dibs on switching. Now this may seem like some people would dislike this but its puts A)More money in Cautions bank account B)Make it worth to buy vip C) making it so there are good player models that are not just for vip but for everyone.


I have many ideas here and if a higherup wants to put them in different posts they can. But i think this is a way for sg jb to be more fun and better.

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  Tagwrack said:
My first idea is if its possible to change from normal !ws skins to custom made skins. Of course i am talking bout workshop skins, now a lot and i mean a lot of skins for weapons look really cool but are just not in game. I am not sure about how the modding side of this works for these things to happen but i've seen a couple of people that make there own weapon skins and are a part of the media team here in sg. Incorporating some of the skins would just make it look better and i think for the most part people are sick of the same skins because we are all human we keep wanting more.


I did some looking and I don't think this is really feasible with how the !ws plugin works. To get workshop skins and/or skins made here would most likely require a whole new plugin that may conflict with the !ws plugin we already have.



  Tagwrack said:
My second idea is adding on more player models. I heard u guys are making a halloween event with new player models and that sounds cool just imagine everyone having cool looking model . Now i know its not a god damn club penguin game and its sg but this would look really freaking cool. Here are some examples, 1

2 and yes there are many models in the game but there are really trash ones for non vip/sub players. It may seem as though its bad because people that pay for vip get the same thing that everyone's get but i have a idea for that to. I may have just took grade 9 business but there is one thing i do know for sure if we incorporate more things FOR the CUSTOMER then they will PLAY more and love the server more. Also, if i joined sg jb for the first time with all of this i would stick in the server more and play more. Meaning that more people will come in meaning more people that would pay more in the community and making sg one fun ass server to be in ( also to put money in someones bank account).


We're always open to looking at new player models, and I would suggest making a separate post with a list of models you'd want us to review and see if they're worth being put into the server.


  Tagwrack said:
Here is my idea for vip in sub players and it may seem like a bad one but trust me i would buy it if this were to be a thing. In jb there are ratio stackers, but if we added a !ct command then if a player did that they would be made ct next round if ratio would not be stacked.There fore meaning that ratio stacking would not matter because they would be switched if a new player left ct or if more people joined in. Here's my idea on how we make vip/sub worth it, not only would they get more player models and maybe if possible new weapon skins others cant have but also, priority. What i mean by that is with this !ct command these players would have first dibs on switching. Now this may seem like some people would dislike this but its puts A)More money in Cautions bank account B)Make it worth to buy vip C) making it so there are good player models that are not just for vip but for everyone.


Speaking on a personal note, I definitely could NEVER get behind this. Introducing a pay-to-play aspect I feel would put a really foul taste in the mouths of players, especially those who choose not to pay for sub or vip. One of the main goals it seems we have is to make our servers a level-playing field when it comes to who can do what on the servers. If we do eventually implement a CT queue plugin, it should definitely be accessible and fair to everyone. As someone who never had VIP before donating a skin, if I had encountered this situation where I was waiting in the CT queue for 2/3 of a map and a freshly joined VIP came in and took a new spot after playing for a whole 10 seconds, I would be at least a little inclined to not play the server. Think about if that happened to a new player: do you think they would come back if they got screwed out of a spot by someone who had joined 30 seconds earlier? I just really don't think that would be a good look for the server if we gave something other than more aesthetic options to those who support out servers.

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  Tagwrack said:

My first idea is if its possible to change from normal !ws skins to custom made skins. Of course i am talking bout workshop skins, now a lot and i mean a lot of skins for weapons look really cool but are just not in game. I am not sure about how the modding side of this works for these things to happen but i've seen a couple of people that make there own weapon skins and are a part of the media team here in sg. Incorporating some of the skins would just make it look better and i think for the most part people are sick of the same skins because we are all human we keep wanting more.


I believe this was added to a different server awhile back but removed because it kept crashing the server (here). Pretty sure the same thing may happen on our JB servers too.


  Tagwrack said:

My second idea is adding on more player models. I heard u guys are making a halloween event with new player models and that sounds cool just imagine everyone having cool looking model . Now i know its not a god damn club penguin game and its sg but this would look really freaking cool. Here are some examples, 1

2 and yes there are many models in the game but there are really trash ones for non vip/sub players. It may seem as though its bad because people that pay for vip get the same thing that everyone's get but i have a idea for that to. I may have just took grade 9 business but there is one thing i do know for sure if we incorporate more things FOR the CUSTOMER then they will PLAY more and love the server more. Also, if i joined sg jb for the first time with all of this i would stick in the server more and play more. Meaning that more people will come in meaning more people that would pay more in the community and making sg one fun ass server to be in ( also to put money in someones bank account).


People play our servers because they enjoy our style of JB, not because of models. VIP / SUB have more perks than just models; they give you more credits / raffle tickets per minute and custom clantags, chat color, and name color. Models that come out are generally around event times and some proceed to stay for the long run.


  Tagwrack said:
Here is my idea for vip in sub players and it may seem like a bad one but trust me i would buy it if this were to be a thing. In jb there are ratio stackers, but if we added a !ct command then if a player did that they would be made ct next round if ratio would not be stacked.There fore meaning that ratio stacking would not matter because they would be switched if a new player left ct or if more people joined in. Here's my idea on how we make vip/sub worth it, not only would they get more player models and maybe if possible new weapon skins others cant have but also, priority. What i mean by that is with this !ct command these players would have first dibs on switching.


Something similar to this is being discussed here and I feel like making people who have VIP / SUB prioritized over others who might not have the money to buy them but have more experience playing CT and prefer CT side over T side could drive them away if just sent down on the list and have to wait even longer to play CT.

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About your first idea (sorry don't know how to do the quote thing) I don't think the workshop skins would really work out but I do know on other servers how their !ws command works is you can choose any skin from any gun. For example say your favorite skin is a P250 white out, you will be able to choose the gun you want the skin on, what gun that skin is normal for, then once you select it it will equip. The only problem with this !ws plugin is the skins don't really change to accommodate the gun so if you choose a really detailed design skin that's normally for pistols and try to equip it on an AK it will be stretched and doesn't look as good.


For your second idea, I would love to see more player models!


And for your last idea I do not support that, I would hate to see SG jb turn into pay to win

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As far as custom !ws skins go, we may be changing up our current !ws plugin to possibly allow for custom skins in the future, so stay tuned.


Player models will begin to be reviewed more frequently by the JB team and players may see model additions, removals, or changes soon.


VIP and SUB CT Queue is something we talked about and there were some pros and cons of both sides, ultimately we are still discussing it.


Thank you for the suggestions everyone!

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