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If i was to apply admin your opions here

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Lets say i did a application for admin. And yes i know sometimes i have issues with the rules but if you played with me or what not let me get your feed back just act as if this was a admin application pls. Ill take all advice and ill work on it best i can if i cant fix something about myself i know not to apply for admin. Hope this forum isnt get deleted or anything cause i will take all these fellow forums serious.

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Honestly, I think you're really eager to hold a position of power here at SG but I think you like to rush things a lot. You don't really have a full understanding of the rules and I just don't think you're entirely capable of dealing with 30+ people in a full ttt lobby when people are acting like trolls. Not my complete thought but it's what I can muster right now.

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I haven't played on the servers in a while so I have no opinions on how you act. If you haven't seen the stickied post at the top of the "Admin Application" subforum, there is A Guide for Admin Apps/Applying for Admin. There's no easy way to get admin, you sometimes have to work for it. Play on the server(s) that you like to play on, know the rules in-and-out so if there's anyone new-you can help them out quickly, part take in server(s) forum discussions, get known throughout the community as a person who is good to work with. These are the few things in the thread I linked.

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Pat, you've got the heart, just stick around until you meet the requirements. While you wait, observe other admins and learn from them.


Take some time to establish a name in the community. Let people figure out who patriddlerr is. Don't rush the process, let the process flow naturally. Once you've established a good name, people will flock to support you.

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Pat, you've got the heart, just stick around until you meet the requirements. While you wait, observe other admins and learn from them.


Take some time to establish a name in the community. Let people figure out who patriddlerr is. Don't rush the process, let the process flow naturally. Once you've established a good name, people will flock to support you.


I know we only played one time for about half a hour or so but your opion of the encounter intense?

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I honestly think you should wait for another month after you qualify for admin next month, as I really don't think you will be ready for admin just yet. You do tend to follow the rules but sometimes break them too when there is no admins on. I used to have a positive impression on you when I see you follow the rules and point out rules breakers, but started to think otherwise when I saw you revenge rdm and argue with others when they rdm you. either it was intentional or not you should just drop it and move on. You call admins on and when I came onto the server, I saw something I don't really like.


An advice from me is if you get rdmed on TTT, use logic to see if it was crossfire?, was it intentional?, he probably thought I was the T by shooting this guy without calling "kos", why did he kill me? everything always revolve around the 5 "W" "who""what""when""why""where" and also "how". its just using your logic to see if it is a legit rdm or intentional rdm.


what I meant by a "legit rdm" is when they saw you shooting without calling kos and killed you when you both are inno or when you T baited, or called a kos on you when you're both inno and they thought you were a T and he killed you. Logical shit. you get what I mean?


Intentional rdm is when someone decided to shoot you out of no where when you did nothing and just stand there. someone called a false kos on you when you both are inno when all you did was hide in a closet or just plain out hiding, or just plain out shoot everyone they see. they may or may not be new, but either way they need to be warned and learn the server rules.


TTT isn't the only server you should focus on as you need to hop onto other servers when needed. So get familiar with each and every server if you can. And like I told you on you're introduction man, follow the rules. Even when others doesn't, you shouldn't follow them and break the rules. Its just not admin like.


I can only give you as much as I can just because I still have a little bit of positive impression of you and that you could still be a good future admin. so just wait it out and don't rush into getting admin too fast. Like fajita said "wait and observe" how admins administer the server with over 30+ players on and learn even before getting admin or applying for it.

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Edited by Yang
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I know we only played one time for about half a hour or so but your opion of the encounter intense?


You definitely look like you want to help keep the servers clean, but you must also learn to take negative banter/insults with a grain of salt. Remember how people were targeting me just because I was an admin and tried to enforce TTT rules late at night? Well, that'll happen very often, and you should be prepared to laugh it off when it's not really that serious, but also identify when it's legitimate harassment.


If someone calls you a name that you don't like, just be like, "Hey man, could you not call me that? Thanks." If they continue, start recording (or screenshot if it was in chat) and report them - or call an admin so they can prevent any further harassment. Don't just seek punishment immediately. Defuse the situation before it gets serious. You make more friends than enemies that way.


It's all about reading the room. Those guys that night on TTT may have seemed malicious towards me, but it was late at night, the server was pretty empty, and they were just poking fun - no harm no foul. There was no need to punish them just because they were saying stupid things like "Kill the admin!" without acting on it.


Sometimes fun is more important than punishment, even if it's at your own displeasure (it is just a video game, after-all). If the displeasure is overwhelming, then a simple warning will usually suffice. If that doesn't work, then punishment (slay/kick/ban protocol) will solve the problem. Conversely, fun can be less important when any player feels negatively affected by the perceived "fun," and then order must be restored. Every admin is different, and every infraction is at the discretion of the admin. We cannot compel admins to punish players, they must do it on their own will.


By all means, you can be someone who puts up with nothing, or you can be laid-back and provide ample warnings before pulling the ban trigger on someone. This is within reason, of course; some infractions do require immediate attention, and are not something to be laid-back about (i.e. hacking, repeated harassment, etc).


These are just some things to consider before someone becomes an admin. It's not always peaches and cream, but if you're up to the task, show the community that you are a good candidate within the next few weeks. Other than those few tips and observations - you're a cool dude with glowing passion for SG, and I look forward to seeing you around. Good luck, buddy.


P.S. There's a little "Thanks" button in the bottom-right corner of every person's post. Instead of replying with a post to say "Thank you," you can just hit that button.

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Edited by IntenseFajita
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I agree with fajita that you seem like someone who really wants to help out. But there are things that you should work on, things like looking at the bigger picture of things, you would just consider someone rdming you if they kill you for no valid reason. But you would fail to realize that you jumped into a spray or crossfire when the person was trying to kill a T. Also there are some small situations that you would blow out of proportion, like someone just trying to joke with you and not having bad intent.


The best advise I think I can give to you would be not to follow or do what everyone is doing as you seem to think that somethings are fine since an admin isn’t on and everyone else is doing it. Look for people that you think are nice and have potential to be admin and learn from them or just learn from current admins, see how they react to certain situations and learn the positive qualities about them and try not to learn the negatives.

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