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MS5: Interfering in LR

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5) "I'm not cheating in LR, since I'm not in your LR."


This brings me to my penultimate point which I can't believe doesn't have a rule attached to it. On the JB Rules page, there is the rule "A CT is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR." This rule doesn't address other CTs outside of the LR purposely interfering in the LR, which happens enough to be a problem, especially with these Epic Bosses. They can interfere by standing in front of/next to/behind the player, blocking their movement, or standing in the player's line of sight (like in Gun Toss or Shot 4 Shot), picking up the player's deagle/getting shot by the player, and then killing the T for losing the LR. After looking around in forums and asking in Shoutbox, @Love_ swears there is a rule for this somewhere, but I cannot find it for the life of me. If it does exist, then it needs to be enforced and spread to the playerbase, because many players (including me until this post) aren't aware of this rule. If it doesn't exist, then there should be a rule to prevent CTs from purposely blocking a T from moving around during an LR, or preventing them from having a clear line of sight if it's an LR like Shot 4 Shot.


TL;DR: Using warning shots for past orders to justify giving no warning shot and killing for a new order. Rule: No new rule, just spread awareness of the rule that exists and enforce that rule.

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On the JB Rules page, there is the rule "A CT is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR." This rule doesn't address other CTs outside of the LR purposely interfering in the LR, which happens enough to be a problem, especially with these Epic Bosses. They can interfere by standing in front of/next to/behind the player, blocking their movement, or standing in the player's line of sight (like in Gun Toss or Shot 4 Shot), picking up the player's deagle/getting shot by the player, and then killing the T for losing the LR.


CTs cannot obstruct a Ts ability to perform their order nor interfere in another players LR. Although not stated in the rules it is implied and can fall under:

• CTs cannot obstruct a T's ability to follow the orders. Subject to admin discretion.
• A CT is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR.
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I might end up repeating myself over threads, but I disagree with the idea of implied rules, especially in a game like JB. Significant rules for the game are "implied". Why not just put it in writing on the rules page? What benefit is there to having an implied rule instead of writing it out if it's an issue that happens? Never mind the frequency, if an issue that players are experiencing could be solved with a rule that's implied, what detriment could occur if that implication was written out on the rules page? I would argue, for a server that experiences a large amount of new players due to CT rules, that it would be better to overconstrain rules to the point of specificity, rather than have unclear implications that only those who seek out the implications or get told them by admins understand them. This is similar to the issue I have with crossfire. If admins are going to slay you for crossfiring more than 2 people, what reason is there to give to not put that in the rules?

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i could swear theres a rule for this somewhere cause ive always seen admins and regs tell players to get out of the way and stop interfering. its extremely annoying when youre doing S4S and another ct is shooting his deagle making you think your partner took his shot or when they run in front of your shots etc. as trazz said it technically is a rule but its more of a read between the lines thing. there was a discussion in shoutbox today about some rules being unnecessary because its "common sense" but certain players look for loopholes to exploit the system leading to staff having to create a rule for everything. in my opinion its a matter of admins enforcing the rule as all we can do as regs is tell people its not allowed until someone eventually listens.

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what Trazz put doesnt just apply to the CT playing in the LR


• A CT is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR


So if another CT who wasnt in the LR shoots a T who is in an LR then it would be considered cheating since the CT outside the LR is trying to help or give the CT in the LR an advantage over the T





• CTs cannot obstruct a T's ability to follow the orders. Subject to admin discretion.


Since it is up to admin's discretion, I would personally consider a CT outside an LR, either shooting at or blocking a T in an LR, as obstructing a T's ability to follow an order since an LR to me is considered an order that is always active unless it's under certain circumstances.

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