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So this might be a stupid thread to make or one that will be rejected instantly, but i was wondering could you guys restrict orders being given in text chat by a person who takes first order even if they have a microphone. First order is meant to mute all cts so 1 person could easily give orders without any cts conflicting or making it hard to hear. And now it is getting common that someone will take first order and will give orders in chat even when they have a microphone, and it gets a lot of ts pissed off and killed because of it.

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just read chat lol. if anything its better for Ts since you dont have the problem of a CT with a shit mic giving inaudible orders. this isnt a huge issue and if youre being killed for it just start reading chat. theres no reason to make fo mic only, especially because its unfair to people without a mic.

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So this might be a stupid thread to make or one that will be rejected instantly, but i was wondering could you guys restrict orders being given in text chat by a person who takes first order even if they have a microphone. First order is meant to mute all cts so 1 person could easily give orders without any cts conflicting or making it hard to hear. And now it is getting common that someone will take first order and will give orders in chat even when they have a microphone, and it gets a lot of ts pissed off and killed because of it.


IIRC the way !fo is supposed to work is that if someone gives a text order as first order, it's supposed to pop up in the middle of your screen so that everyone can see it and not have to read chat in the corner. As this thread is being made, so I assume this is not the case. So, it seems we need to fix a bug with !fo.


To address the whole no chat orders in !fo, there are CTs without microphones and there are those who have microphones that choose not to use them. Our goal is to make the server so that everyone has a fair chance of participating in the game mode as to not give an advantage to someone who has certain things someone else doesn't. Please bare in mind these are my personal thoughts.

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IIRC the way !fo is supposed to work is that if someone gives a text order as first order, it's supposed to pop up in the middle of your screen so that everyone can see it and not have to read chat in the corner. As this thread is being made, so I assume this is not the case. So, it seems we need to fix a bug with !fo.

i believe this was removed to either a bug or people spamming random stuff instead of orders. it was discussed here and fantastic said it would be brought back.

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Even though Jailbreak is trying to cater towards non-mic players. I agree that if someone were to get FO then they should be using voice chat, not text chat.


Reasons why:

-chat orders with FO usually cause a lot of confusion when there are more than 15+ players

-a player giving an order using voice chat just feels better to others than someone giving an order in text chat because it would seem like the player is more involved in the game (usually)

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I want to comment on this since I did the plugin. Functionality can be added for this but I would do it a different way. It will work the same way as currently but I think after they issue the first order and they type something in chat afterwards, it will activate for chat only and they won't be allowed to use mic during the first order to not confuse players.


If they do go ahead with typing in chat after they used first order, it will stop all players chat from showing so as not to clutter chat for the player issuing first orders. I am just throwing stuff out there for you all to think about. :toung:

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Idk if hsay or the warning message in the middle was ever brought up for chat orders during FO but I always thought that could be a viable option but it can interfere with RTV messages or nextmaps (Not completely sure). I agree chat orders cause confusion but gagging players would be a bit much imo. Implementing an activation would be cool but making it a 1 way road can backfire.

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I understand the frustration. If it was up to me there wouldn't be chat orders at all because very few people read chat when the server has more than 30+ people and they are busy doing a bunch of shit. However they want everybody to have a fair enough chance to have fun which I guess makes sense. It's why I don't run a successful server.


Chat orders in FO when the player has a mic are nothing but toxic.


Every round a couple players I know take FO they use chat orders then say something playful in mic, taking attention away from chat so players expect a mic order.


Then they proceed to kill everybody who didn't "Pay attention". I feel as though that's kill-whoring and takes a hell of a lot of the fun away from the first few seconds of the round, but not against the rules. New players never make it far for reasons like this.


Didn't know there was a plugin to fix that though, looking forward to having it fixed

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