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Retakes - Extended Player Death Info & Bombsite HUD

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Just two minor suggestions for the server:


1. Extended Player Death Info


Pretty much informs players whether kills were through the smoke, if a player was blind, and no scopes besides the generic wallbangs and headshots.


2. Retakes HUD


Indicates what bombsite it is.


b3none commented on Mar 22

I've updated https://github.com/b3none/retakes-hud so that it is generic and will work alongside splewis' plugin as well as others.

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The HUD is something that should be added as people haven’t gotten confused on which site lately.


The extended player death info is something that shouldn’t be added. With wanting to try and keep the server as vanilla as possible adding this would go against that. A major problem I see with is the blind info part. That completely gives away the players state to the enemy and can encourage a push when previously they wouldn’t as they were unsure of the players state.


It seems cool but could give information to the player that may dictate how they decides to play.


Maybe the extended death info on 1v1? @HAXOR

Edited by Trazz
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  Black Rain said:

2. Retakes HUD


Indicates what bombsite it is.


I put this on the server for initial release but removed it a week after because there were reports of major fps lag. Once the plugin was removed all the major fps loss was gone. I'd like to see this back since I thought this was one of the coolest things on the server that was different than other retake servers but if the random fps loss is consistent then there is no point in having it.

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  Trazz said:
The extended player death info is something that shouldn’t be added. With wanting to try and keep the server as vanilla as possible adding this would go against that. A major problem I see with is the blind info part. That completely gives away the players state to the enemy and can encourage a push when previously they wouldn’t as they were unsure of the players state.


I disagree with this statement. The entirety of what you said, happening, is one in a million. When players are defending or attacking the bombsite they are already focused on killing other players/completing the objective. If a player were to do as you said, gather info that a player is flashed (this would be the only reasonable use of said info); a player would need to stray their attention from watching a corner or holding an angle, in order to notice that a player is flashed. Not to mention a flashbang only lasts a short duration, there are many other factors that play into this, (ie. are has/her teammates with the flashed player, how flashed is the player, where are they at, and did the flash expire). Adding on to this, the player that has just been killed could call out the enemy is flashed without the plugin. In other words, the reliability and chance of a player using this mechanic correctly, and or efficiently has been over expressed.


I do think that both the plugins, if added, could contribute to the functionality and experience on the server (If the hud's fps issue can be resolved). I have seen both of these plugins used on other servers and they work great.


My brain is huge

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