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Jailbreak Community Meeting- December 29th @ 4PM EST

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  • Content Count:  1920
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WHEN: Sunday, December 29th @ 4PM EST



This meeting will be hosted on TeamSpeak in the Jailbreak channel. The main purpose of this meeting is to gather community feedback and give the regulars of the server a voice and see what we did right and wrong in 2019 and what you guys want to come in 2020.



Recent event feedback (S4S Tourney, Christmas Event)

Recent rule change feedback

Open floor for discussion/questions




We hope to see you all there. If you have something you'd like to share but can not make the meeting, feel free to put it down here and we will discuss that as well. We will be taking notes and recording for those who are interested but can not attend for whatever reason. Have a happy holiday and enjoy some good times with your families and friends - Jailbreak Team

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Edited by Phoenix_
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  • Content Count:  1920
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Recent Event Feedback-


S4S Tournament:

- Went well, just a long time to set up

- (from fantastic) 2 types of events, those that affect gameplay and those that don't that much. What are your thoughts on keeping it on JB or hosting it separately?

- (overall) ups and down for either argument, just something to look more into


Winter Spectacular:

- (from fantastic) Meet expectation?

- (General) Yes, nice surprise to see all these maps and they're all well made

- (from fantastic) what do you want to see in future events?

- vote on models to stay post-event? , fantastic says more about a model in the meeting later, but def a possibility

- Thread for model requests in JB section (if one isn't already there) @fantastic @Military_king @idealist


Rule changes-

- (from fantastic) Just thought it was the best direction forward to remove cardinal directional orders

- (general) agree, just go on to say how it can confuse new players, CT abuse it, etc.

- A suggestion of anti-cheat system

- (from zayne) Confirms an anti-cheat is being tested

- someone brings up changing auto-pickup

- it's explained it would cause more issues than it would solve


General Discussion-

- Will gun toss return?

- (from fantastic) Working on fixing LRs in the new year \

-will move LR bug thread from SA section to public


-Change time to join CT?

- (from phoenix) Will cause more harm than good. Disincentives new players from staying

- (from fantastic) OG reason to add this was to prevent new players from going right on CT and not having a clue as to what is going on


-updates on ghost plugin?

- (from fantastic) ghosts could trigger doors, we're waiting on a fix for that. once we have the fix, we can put it back in.


-bug with gangs

-someone will make bug report going in-depth


-reward for hitting certain CT ranks?

- not credits.

- custom cosmetic or model? skins for different ranks?

- possible gun model reward?


-maybe do rings for LR partners like DNA in ttt?


-babbling about clouds and how its buggy and we need to rework it, something is in the works


-any ideas to make our server more unique?

-*crickets chirp*


-ct queue on hold for more high priority tech fixes


-new maps coming?


-weapon skins

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