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Politics Rule

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Honestly where do I even begin with this paragraph/rule I want to propose. Let’s get this out of the way first. We shouldn’t be able to talk about politics in chat. I get that you can talk about it in forums but if someone talks about it on one of the servers it gets to become chaotic. There has been 3 instances of it. People just nag and egg each other on and it gets to the point you wanna just leave. I know that admins usually mute the players or players that are being loud and annoying but even after they get unmuted it’s still chaotic. I’d like to just have it stay on forums in the topic that just says “world politics.” It causes unnecessary fights and whatnot very uncalled for also.

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I don't see a reason to ban politics if the pure reason to ban it is "It causes unnecessary fights and whatnot very uncalled for also." This is easily preventable with admins if it gets out of hand. If you aren't going to be civil about it, we can step in.

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Yeah, we should also ban talking about sports, music, hell you shouldn't be allowed to talk about the game mode either. If you think someone is harassing other players for their views, or instigating, feel free to make a player complaint.


I don't see a reason to ban politics if the pure reason to ban it is "It causes unnecessary fights and whatnot very uncalled for also." This is easily preventable with admins if it gets out of hand. If you aren't going to be civil about it, we can step in.


Pretty much sums it up. Let's add a rule saying we can't type in caps next.

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During the formation of ZM / SG, the 2008 election was going on. There were legitimately admins who would enforce a ‘no politics’ thing on the server, especially when it was closer to election time. I think there’s merit to it, to an extent: meaning when the conversations get hostile (they usually do), I don’t have an issue with an admin telling people to drop it. But a flat-out ban on anything mentioned politically is dumb. If it distracts from gameplay then I encourage admins to use their discretion.

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