Benzene Posted March 25, 2020 Content Count: 1030 Joined: 01/05/20 Status: Offline Share Posted March 25, 2020 I actually got this idea because a certain administrator (who shall remain unnamed) put a beacon on me in Jailbreak and I died because of it. This got me to thinking that what if players could vote to set a beacon on a specific player? I know that this is a thing that is enabled for SA's, but it's incredibly useful whenever there are CTs that are camping, especially when they are the last ones left. I've had many experiences in Jailbreak where last CTs have camped vents, armory, or some secrets and although there are people telling them to stop camping/delaying/not enforcing, they remain put and it takes time for them to be found. I also know that there are ways to abuse this, and I am hoping some discussion can be generated about this idea. It's a very rough idea, and there are a lot of flaws that could be found, but I think this could be something that Jailbreak had. Here's how I envisioned it would go. After a certain amount of time (say when there are 2:00 left in the round), the !votebeacon or !beacon command is enabled. There, CTs or Ts can type that and select the player who they want a beacon on. Then, a vote would be initiated and with a certain percentage of votes, a beacon could be placed on that player. Looking forward to hearing people's thoughts on this. 2 Link to comment
Noxstar Posted March 25, 2020 Content Count: 1952 Joined: 12/02/18 Status: Offline Share Posted March 25, 2020 All player-based votes really put me on edge with these sort of things because as you said, it can get abused. A lot of people on the servers call people out for delaying when in most cases they really aren't and this suggestion is for those once every few times on electric razor where someone camps AWP secret. I'm against this idea because it could be one of those things where it can just be a target player festival just because they don't like them on CT side. 2 Link to comment
Gentoo Posted March 25, 2020 Content Count: 1583 Joined: 06/19/17 Status: Offline Share Posted March 25, 2020 The issue with this is that players will vote for a beacon when a round is "dragging on too long" rather than just when someone is breaking the rules by camping. For someone to be playing by all the rules and have their round suicided because others are impatient is a big no-no in my book. 2 Link to comment
Atrix Posted March 25, 2020 Content Count: 532 Joined: 06/19/19 Status: Offline Share Posted March 25, 2020 Man wonder who that admin was.... Either way I'm not a huge fan of this idea. We have admins for the sole reason to deal with people who aren't playing the gamemode properly. If Ct's are delaying the round for no good reason admins have plenty of tools to deal with them. I just feel its unnecessary and wouldn't be used in the right ways. I do understand where you're coming from and have seen plenty of Ct's with no intention of trying to enforce and delaying the round. I've had an idea of an occasional beacon where the last CT would get pinged every 30 seconds for a short time but I doubt it would ever get implemented. It would ping every 30 seconds once there is one CT alive. It would last maybe 3 seconds and then would ping every 30 seconds for the remainder of the round. I think what you brought up is a cool concept, just not a fan of the voting aspect of it. 1 Link to comment
duffy Posted March 25, 2020 Content Count: 590 Joined: 08/25/18 Status: Offline Share Posted March 25, 2020 What you’re saying is you want to give an admin command to the players. I mean, it’s actually not a bad idea but people on JB don’t seem to know the actual definition of camping. Sitting armory or one way because you’re the last CT alive and the order is a full free day against 10 Ts isn’t against the rules, you’re just trying to survive. Completely hiding when the order is be on a box in big cage is camping. I’m not sure, but I think camping teleported could also be considered camping (I myself still get mixed up what punishable camping is sometimes). But, not every player is like me where they know every rule so I think this will be abused very easily and could just worsen the situation for last Alice CTs. When I was admin, I used the beacon command a fair amount to get the campers out in the open. Maybe we can just encourage admins to use it more. Link to comment
Benzene Posted March 25, 2020 Content Count: 1030 Joined: 01/05/20 Status: Offline Share Posted March 25, 2020 I'm against this idea because it could be one of those things where it can just be a target player festival just because they don't like them on CT side. Yeah, I completely agree with this, and that's mainly why I suggested that it be allowed only after a certain time has passed in a round, or maybe even if there's less than 3 CTs it gets activated or something. But I am also concerned about the exploits that could arise from this. Link to comment
Bondairy Posted March 25, 2020 Content Count: 1253 Joined: 12/19/19 Status: Offline Share Posted March 25, 2020 Cool idea but really only needed if one CT is left. There have been times where people have been unfairly pinged/beaconed and there have been times where the delayer hasn't been pinged/beaconed at all. This would be extremely useful when there are no admins on to enforce the no delaying order. There are ways too abuse this but we should make it where you have to get 80% of the vote and there is only one CT left. This will reduce the amount of complaints and abuses of the command and everyone except for the delayer will be happy. Link to comment
20 scrolls Posted March 25, 2020 Content Count: 1559 Joined: 12/25/19 Status: Offline Share Posted March 25, 2020 yeah like nox said this could be EASILY abused if a group of individuals decided to target someone even if they aren't camping/delaying. I feel as anything player vote based is not a good addition to any server (apart for votetmute that can't be abused as much and can only be used by CTs) Link to comment
Dominic Posted April 10, 2020 Content Count: 5678 Joined: 01/07/16 Status: Offline Share Posted April 10, 2020 The managers don't feel comfortable adding this. It's very easy to abuse something like this and we don't feel like this is addressing a very large problem that would force us to consider something like this. Thank you for the suggestion. 4 Link to comment
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