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Map count 2

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  • Joined:  12/05/18
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I noticed that the ranks were fixed today and I can finally see my map completion rate, good job! I also noticed that there is a weird bug with the maps where it supposedly "doubles" the total amount of maps so it halves your map completion percentage. The problem with this is I went through the nominate screen and counted all the maps available to me and only came up with 247 maps (+-10 because I was tired) on all available tiers. The last time I hopped on the server it said there was around 620 or 660 maps or something like that. If we halve that then there should be 310+ ish maps total. If I were to double my total percentage from the servers statistics it would be less than the actual percentage of maps completed because of ghost maps. Were there maps that were removed and still count towards the total completion? I'm not sure just posting my speculations so that you guys aware.


TLDR: Nominate list != (1/2) * sm_profile total maps

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  • Content Count:  2698
  • Joined:  04/16/16
  • Status:  Offline

There are a total of 247 maps on the server.


  • Tier 1 - 37 maps
  • Tier 2 - 64 maps
  • Tier 3 - 73 maps
  • Tier 4 - 40 maps
  • Tier 5 - 23 maps
  • Tier 6 - 10 maps


The 620 or 660 map total in the percentage is incorrect because it counts every record made on every map that was on the server ever since the timer was installed. So in total, there have been ~600 maps on the server and records have been entered for all of those maps. I'll look into making it so that it only counts stats for the maps in rotation. It's been a pet peeve of mine for months now.

Edited by John
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