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during a lr the t's are sometimes told "stop delaying" i just want to know when its considered to be delay and if they are can they be insta killed or warning shot

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From what I gather, since it's an LR you can't warning shot them, you have to kill them. I consider a T delaying LR if they're not shooting, playing ring-around a rosey so the other person can't take a shot, or just trying to drag on the round. I warn them and give them 10-15 seconds (Along with all the time they had before) to shoot. If they don't shoot by then I spray them down.


If you'd like to look at some other posts similar to T-Delaying take a look here and here. Those posts also contain the previous manager's official opinions on the topic:



Going through the JB-related threads and cleaning them up. This discussion was addressed through the addition of the bottom rule a few weeks ago.


Quote Originally Posted by Dominic View Post

• A prisoner who cheats or delays during his/her LR is KOS.

Thanks [: I also changed the title of this thread to "Ts delaying in LR" to more accurately describe this discussion.


Idk why this a question you want answered. Just be reasonable man. JB ain’t about killing as much Ts as possible, so I don’t understand why you need to know if you can kill the T in this situation or not.


As far as your question to the ruling and your specific instances, I believe the that if the is being actively played then it’s obviously not delaying. I think you should realize that an LR lasting the entire round =/= an LR meant to last the entire round, which is what I believe the rule is meant to prevent. CZ spamming across soccer is in now way breaking any rule, so I don’t see any need to punish the T for the LR lasting the entire round when they didn’t intend on having the LR last the entire round.



There is no set time for a T to be considered delaying, the best way to go about it is to just be reasonable about it. If someones just lining up a shot for 5 seconds it definitely doesn't warrant them being killed, however, if a T is running away from their LR partner all across the map, then it's pretty understandable for the T to be KOS. The reason the rule was changed was that beforehand the T could really just run anywhere across the map, and there wasn't anything anyone could do to stop them.


TL;DR: There is no set time for a T to be considered delaying but it doesn't mean you can go killing any T that doesn't do their LR for 5 seconds. Be reasonable and use your brain.



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From what I gather, since it's an LR you can't warning shot them, you have to kill them. I consider a T delaying LR if they're not shooting, playing ring-around a rosey so the other person can't take a shot, or just trying to drag on the round. I warn them and give them 10-15 seconds (Along with all the time they had before) to shoot. If they don't shoot by then I spray them down.


If you'd like to look at some other posts similar to T-Delaying take a look here. Those posts also contain the previous manager's official opinions on the topic:










Here's your answer.

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