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[JB] CT Priority Queue

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I heard the idea of a CT-queue is hitting the servers, so I thought a priority queue would be ideal for getting good CTs onto the team ASAP.


We all know getting good CTs is hard, but if we don't introduce a priority queue a good CT will have a hard time getting onto the team to help if lots of newer and inexperienced players are hoarding up the queue. I propose we add a priority queue that applies to anyone with the rank lieutenant+. The reason I chose the lieutenant rank is because it gives enough time for a CT to learn the ropes of the role and anyone who's invested that much time into the server has adequate knowledge of the rules.


TL;DR: Have a regular queue for CTs ranked Private-Officer and have a CT-Priority queue for CTs ranked Lieutenant+

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While I do like this idea, and I think this would definitely work / be necessary in some situations, I also feel as though it may dissuade some newer players from trying out CT, especially if they are going to have a harder time getting onto CT itself.


But I do agree that sometimes when there are a bunch of new CTs on, it's hard to control them and stop them from breaking the rules, especially if they don't know all of them.

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I just personally don’t see a purpose in a priority queue. Ur reasoning is so there can be good cts but let’s be real, there are so many people who r good cts but they just don’t spend all their time on ct. There r even some lieutenants who r shitty cts. A regular queue is fine but I just don’t think there’s a need for a priority queue.

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I just personally don’t see a purpose in a priority queue... A regular queue is fine but I just don’t think there’s a need for a priority queue.


It could be a reward of Lieutenant+ to get priority queue, an incentive to play CT side (Other incentives would be nice too [Cosmetics]). The only reason I brought up the idea was my fear that:

a good CT will have a hard time getting onto the team to help if lots of newer and inexperienced players are hoarding up the queue.
Sure, this is just premature fear to a change rumored to come, but I figured if the AT's liked the sound of the Idea why not add it.



Ur reasoning is so there can be good cts but let’s be real, there are so many people who r good cts but they just don’t spend all their time on ct. There r even some lieutenants who r shitty cts.


Sure, there are "Shitty Lieutenants", but those players are regulars with general knowledge of the server (Types of players we want on CT side).


Also, the priority queue wouldn't stop the Casual CT (The "good CTs" you are referring to) from playing CT side, they'd just have to wait a round or two more to get on CT side.

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The priority in the queue will probably be reserved for donors. I think the one glaring issue with the idea in this thread is that you'll pretty much be stuck with the same Lieutenants on CT all the time which will be regular players and you're essentially disallowing newer players from becoming a Lieutenant by not allowing them on CT. I think it'll be a shitty cycle where they queue up, can't get on because they don't have enough CT playtime but can't get any CT playtime because they can never get on.


That is an assumption based on the number of Lieutenants or players in any other CT rank but I think the basic idea of basing it off of CT playtime makes no sense if they need to get on CT to gain that playtime. Our idea was to make it a donor perk and that's probably what will happen because you won't have that many donors on all the time let alone ones that are trying to get on CT, plus it's a super cool incentive for donating.

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Although I am the best CT to ever grab an M4 off of jb_razor_go, it would be nice to let the newbies get a chance to learn the rules of a CT and be one “in case of an emergency.” If someone has priority over someone else cause they pay for VIP isn’t far and that’s just pay to win I guess you could call it. I think in some cases this could be useful like say somebody wanted to play CT but they get moved for a better ratio, it’d be cool to have them be put in a guard queue in case of someone getting on CT before them despite being the first to want to be on CT.

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Although I am the best CT to ever grab an M4 off of jb_razor_go, it would be nice to let the newbies get a chance to learn the rules of a CT and be one “in case of an emergency.” If someone has priority over someone else cause they pay for VIP isn’t far and that’s just pay to win I guess you could call it. I think in some cases this could be useful like say somebody wanted to play CT but they get moved for a better ratio, it’d be cool to have them be put in a guard queue in case of someone getting on CT before them despite being the first to want to be on CT.


I think VIPs should get priority, it isn’t pay to win. They are already putting money into the server and the money helps us keep this community up and running. Plus, there isn’t a huge abundance of VIPs on JB. Like you pay $5 more dollars a month and you get a few more cosmetics? Buying VIP should seem valuable for spending $5 more dollars a month

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I don't see the purpose of a que priority. I like how jb is right now is really stable, I have no problems with jb right now but sometimes its the new maps itself.

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