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Pulling out secondaries

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There is no rule for how long it takes for a secondary to be pulled out for it to be KOS. I find this problematic as there is nothing stopping a CT from killing a T when all the T did was hit "Q" twice. I feel that there has to be some rule in place for approximately how long a T can pull a secondary out (not shooting) for it to be KOS. Sometimes, a T may accidentally pull it out and then switch back, but then is killed by a CT. Sometimes, a T pulls it out to drop it and then is sprayed down by CTs. Having a time limit rule for how long you can pull it out for would benefit from people getting killed for the dumbest reasons possible. The rule could also suggest that if you point it at a CT, you would be KOS, but if you just pull it out, you should have a set approximate amount of time to switch back before being KOS. This would allow non-rebelling Ts to have time to pull out their secondaries and drop them, and would also decrease the confusion and chaos that follows after a T is killed for just hitting their scroll wheel/number keys.


I would like to propose an outline for the rule (can/will be changed probably)

- Ts are KOS after pulling out a secondary/zeus for ~ 2 seconds

- Ts are KOS by pointing the secondary/zeus at a CT

- Ts are KOS by firing their secondary/zeus

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Unnecessary and convoluted... Secondary and primary KOS rules are fine as is

If you don't want to die don't pick up and pull out a secondary weapon. Putting CTs at a disadvantage isn't the answer to every "problem" you new Ts have with the server.

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I find this problematic as there is nothing stopping a CT from killing a T when all the T did was hit "Q" twice. I feel that there has to be some rule in place for approximately how long a T can pull a secondary out (not shooting) for it to be KOS. Sometimes, a T may accidentally pull it out and then switch back, but then is killed by a CT.

People keep crying about how easy it is to be killed, when Ts have a 90% win rate. Our CTs are already underpowered and adding more rules to nerf them just doesn't make sense. The current rule is fine as it is in my opinion.

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This is already a rule in the FAQ

Q- Can I kill a T at any time for having a secondary out?


If the T had the gun out for a split second and holsters it, then no. But if at any time a T currently has a secondary out, they can be killed.


Giving a specific time until they're kos isn't really needed as if you are holding it out longer than a second you are probably gonna try to kill a ct

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Honestly I think it should be KOS if the T pulls out a secondary at all, because there's no reason to pull it out other than to use it. Pulling it out and holstering it quickly can be seen differently by different CTs, and some will kill you for quick-switching. I think the best ruling for this is: a secondary is not KOS to have, but it is to pull out, no matter for how long. This applies to the Zeus x27 as well.

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imo the current rules are fine but it does lead to confusion, if you dont want to die but want to carry a pistol then dont pull it out in any way and that includes quick switching between the knife and pistol. And if you dont want to die for this then don't pick it up in the first place. adding rules like this nerfing CTs just isn't a good thing especially in the current state of the CT team currently.

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Ok, let me revise it then. I just feel that there is a problem with the whole "split second" pulling it out thing. It should either be KOS for even pulling it out, or the other way, which I had suggested before. I think that many CTs perceive a split second differently, so by making pulling out all secondaries KOS it would solve the problem as well. This would also buff the CTs instead of nerfing them, but would still solve the confusion/chaos problem.

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The rule could also suggest that if you point it at a CT, you would be KOS, but if you just pull it out, you should have a set approximate amount of time to switch back before being KOS. This would allow non-rebelling Ts to have time to pull out their secondaries and drop them


If theres 6 CTs how do i know the T isnt pointing it at one of my teammates and not me? If youre asked to drop a secondary they cant kill you for it unless youre holding it out for an extensive time. You can drop a pistol in under a second so i dont see how theres any issue for non rebelling players. If a T pulls a secondary out long enough for a CT to notice it and identify them they can be killed. There is nothing wrong with this rule and no need to make rebelling easier for Ts.

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Ok, let me revise it then. I just feel that there is a problem with the whole "split second" pulling it out thing. It should either be KOS for even pulling it out, or the other way, which I had suggested before. I think that many CTs perceive a split second differently, so by making pulling out all secondaries KOS it would solve the problem as well. This would also buff the CTs instead of nerfing them, but would still solve the confusion/chaos problem.


Here's the thing, I think that you're hyping it up to be more than it rlly is. A lot of cts are actually pretty understanding if they see someone has auto pickup and got it dropped to them, or if they pull it out and then immediately put it back. While there are a few cts who are kill hungry and take advantage of someone pulling it out and then putting it right back, it doesn't mean there needs to be a rule change. And like @bat said, the cts are already at a disadvantage, if u make a ct wait like 2 seconds to kill someone for having a secondary out, that's also potentially 2 seconds where a ct could get domed by a pistol. And by making all secondaries kos, that'll just cause more confusion and chaos imo, ur gonna have ppl screaming freekill even more than they already do.

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From what I remember taking out a pistol for about the time of the reload animation isn’t KOS, the only time a pistol is KOS is if someone shoots it or you have it out for like 2 or more seconds. I don’t think prisoners should be KOS for a secondary that really wouldn’t be fair. You could drop it to someone and then they would die. The CTs are insanely underpowered already but this will take it over the top and make it close to impossible to start a quick rebel. Like Urp said we’re pretty generous about the rules if you get a gun planted to you unless the ratio is 3:17. And, I do remember orders like drop the pistol in your cell and don’t pass it and/or pick it up. They’re pretty easy to give and follow if someone has a gun. This auto pick-up stuff isn’t really game-changing. I think this is definitely something the sweats care more about than the regulars.

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