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GTA V Manhunt!

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thank u @thuxys for the banner





What is manhunt?


Manhunt is a game mode where one or two people (depending on group size) will go out and find a vehicle that naturally spawns on the map and act like a civilian the best they can so they aren't found. The non-hiders wait for the hiders to hide, and go out and find a vehicle that naturally spawns and do their best to find the hiders without cheating.


What are the rules?


1. Your radar must be OFF (Settings -> Display -> Radar : OFF)

2. Your player overhead name display must be off. (Settings -> Online -> Player Overhead Display: NONE)

3. No personal vehicles.

4. Anyone may customize a streetcar at Los Santos.

4. No randomly shooting people in cars in the hopes of getting lucky and killing a hider.

5. Seekers must use single-shot pistols to kill hiders. (No auto pistols, no up-n-atomizer)

6. Hiders can use SMGs to defend themselves against seekers.

7. Hiders may move on foot for a short time but should remain in a vehicle most of the time.

8. Hiders may not hide inside of buildings (you may customize your car in LS for a short time).

9. Hiders must remain within the map's confines. See the map below.


How will you prevent cheating?


This entire game mode is built off trust that no one will cheat to keep it fun for everyone. Through experience in playing this game, it's clear that not everyone is trustworthy. While I ask that you please don't cheat so it's as fun as possible for everyone, I will be taking an extra measure to prevent cheaters. Each round, someone-- either myself or another volunteer can choose to sit out a round and watch the minimap. Generally speaking, if I or the other observer see a player dart directly for the hider or pause then go directly towards the hider, you will be kicked from the lobby. You will be allowed to rejoin, but if it happens a second time, you will be barred from the event.


What's the map?


The map can be seen here:



(Yes, I know it's scuffed) It is divided into 3 zones, each of which a hider is allowed to enter. If need be, we may require hiders to say one region they will not be in if the turnout is low, but hopefully, we will not resort to that.


be there or be square :cool:



Saturday, May 23rd @ 3pm EST





I will host a friends-only lobby so we may have privacy. Please PM me here or on Discord if you need to add my social club.


While you are here you might as well join our steam group!


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Edited by Phoenix_
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I don't really play GTA V that much, but this does sound like a fun event. I'd like to volunteer to be the person who watches over the minimap (at least for the first few rounds) because my experience with online GTA is very limited, and I probably won't be able to really play anyways.

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sounds like fun, no idea if I can be there tho, idk what timezone this 3PM is in, but itll most likely be more like 3AM here =/


just google "EST Time" and it'll be the first thing u see, at least that's how i do it.

google is a foreigner's best friend for these events.

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Edited by Asher
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