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jb ct's privilege

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As i mention and everyone mentioning about jb die-ing due to the lack of ct's yesterday and the day before that i saw an astonishing number of 18 average players during 2pm-8ppm the hot hours when people are most active, probably due to the lack of ct's and good ones that actually give orders instead of fd ever round which gets boring. And if possible for the mods @20 scrolls to add a deathgame in the 3 razor maps like VIP mix has. I loved the og jb community where @fantastic was still the server administrator he probably stepped down due to college not sure but when he was active and got on jb he always had the community to vote on wither they wanted extra speed or drug effects to spice the round up and discouraged t's to rebel and now a days i see sg jb made for the t's to rebel every round and its getting less entertaining playing jb. Maybe add the source plugin during the Halloween event with random drugs helping you or putting you at a disadvantage and allow ct's with the major rank to enable it or not but its all luck to activate it.

@current jb administrators @Infinityward @Bacon thoughts on why this can be made possible or not. negatives/postives

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Maybe there can be some deathgame addition that can be activated on any map, with select deathgames that don't require the maps to have physical deathgames as options after a certain time and player requirement.

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I’d argue that JB is in a pretty good position right now. If you’re saying that JB is dying, you might as well say every other server is too because JB is our highest ranking server currently. Sure when fantastic was the AT he would get on, but you also have to understand that the current ATs of JB are just as committed. They are extremely busy, and with that said I’ve still seen them on the server from time to time. One of reasons of I think people liked the plugin you’re talking about is because it was only implemented for a limited time. If anything they’ve only done things to buff CTs except for when they reset T ranks. We are a rebelling heavy server, and that’s why razor and vip do so well.

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I definitely agree with Casual on this one. I have also seen Infinityward, Bacon, and Dominic on the server at some times. Although there aren't constantly people on the servers, they're still fun to play with. There are a lot of active regulars that play, and there are a decent amount of maps that get played. However, I would definitely argue in favor of adding some deathgames to the most popular server, which is electric razor. Adding, colors, jumprope, or other minigames to play would greatly increase the popularity of these maps, and make them more fun to play for everyone. This was done with the sgedit of razor, although I don't really know what happened to it.

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>OG JB community


>Fantastic as server manager


I'm not sure you know what OG means.


RTD isn't a horrible suggestion but if I was still managing this server I wouldn't consider it. If you're tired of freedays every round be the change you want to see instead of bitching about it on the forums. Also our server has always been T centric for the most part;It's one of the things that differentiates us from most of the other major servers.

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As a server I don't think JB is doing bad for the time being, but the fun of JB is starting to wear off. Its freeday or T's rebel every round which gets old pretty quick. However one thing that counter acts that issue is having good CT's who know what they are doing. With good CT's there is actual control, allowing for different games and outcomes every round.


Plenty of times I would join the server and there would be 3 CT's against 14 T's. On T side there would be a handful of regulars not willing to switch, and yet the would complain about how the CT's suck. I get nobody wants to play CT everyday, but you cant play a certain why and then complain about how that playstyle is boring.


Overall the state of JB is fine, just need more regulars to play CT and then teach the proper ways for new players to play CT. How is dangerman76 supposed to learn how to properly play CT when he is being killed from AWP secret every round?

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If you're tired of freedays every round be the change you want to see instead of bitching about it on the forums.


I absolutely agree. If you want to have fun on maps and not play razor/revamp constantly you have to be a positive voice on the CT side. Always offer voluntary death games, give new and exciting orders, and get more involved with the actual role-play aspect of the server. Additionally, when you get onto a map with death games and minigames (undertale, moonjail, clouds, arcade, etc.) you have to get the Ts going there. More often than not I see us playing a map like Undertale but the CTs are so overwhelmed by the ratio they can't get the round past the dreaded "step out face the back crouch and freeze" order. CT side is very hard, especially when it feels like you're 1v10ing because you have incompetent teammates.




However, I would definitely argue in favor of adding some deathgames to the most popular server, which is electric razor. Adding, colors, jumprope, or other minigames to play would greatly increase the popularity of these maps, and make them more fun to play for everyone. This was done with the sgedit of razor, although I don't really know what happened to it.


I don't think editing those maps will work, because I believe it's the lack of deatghames that incentives Ts to be more active and rebel on those types of maps, and that's why people who play T side like them so much.




@current jb administrators @Infinityward @Bacon


Let's not forget @Dominic is still currently a JB manager.

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If you're tired of freedays every round be the change you want to see instead of bitching about it on the forums.


This is exactly what I have always thought when people complain about CTs. All I hear is people bitching and complaining about CTs being terrible and not being able to hold their own against the 5-20 ratio for Ts. If you're one of the people that complains about CTs, do something about it by joining CT and trying to lead it. I don't see anything wrong with the server right now other than the fact that regs don't have the backbone to join CT when the ratio is bad and get killed by a couple rebelling Ts. Just join CT, enforce and give orders, and stop complaining about CTs being bad all the time when they just die every round since ratio is bad.

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Just because the managers aren't uber active on the servers doesn't mean they don't care. I talk to two of them frequently and they talk about how they have a shit ton on their plate ATM for Jailbreak and are actively discussing multiple topics. Also, not every manager is @fantastic . Just because they don't hop on the server and do goofy speed rounds or low grav rounds doesn't make them any better or worse than him. On top of this, I think CAs are allowed to do fun rounds as long as the managers are cool with it. If you see an AT or CA on, ask them if they can start a vote for a fun round. The worst they can say is no.


Now a days i see sg jb made for the t's to rebel every round
The literal basis of the gamemode is for the Ts to rebel and take over the prison. Is it really easy for them to do that on maps? Yes, but sometimes it's the nature of the beast. I personally think there are ways to make it a little more balanced, but I've expressed those thoughts elsewhere.


Maybe add the source plugin during the Halloween event with random drugs helping you or putting you at a disadvantage and allow ct's with the major rank to enable it or not but its all luck to activate it.
I don't think RTD would be a good addition. As far as I can remember from the Halloween event, it was the one thing people didn't want to come back to future events.




I also agree with @Casual in the sense that for the most part the server is in a pretty good spot. There's nothing sticking out like a sore thumb that is genuinely making the sever die. The server is bouncing between the 200-300 range which is relatively good and I think is our highest rated server ATM.


@idealist said it best, be the change you want to see. There's nothing we can do to force CTs to give orders. But, when you're on CT you can give engaging and fun orders and show it can be more fun that the two polarized options of freeday or total authoritarian orders, both of which are no fun when done on repeat day in day out.

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