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I know a lot of ct's gives special order often on sg but I feel like once the CT that gave the fd is dead, it's hard to track who has a free day as no one can confirm if they have a freeday other than themselves which is not reliable. So I want to suggest that once a CT dies ur special orders are automatically revoked and go follow the new ct's orders or whatever the t's are currently following, this will reduce the amount of accidental freekills when ct's are pursuing rebelling t's and might mistake a t with fd as a rebelled. @Dominic thoughts on if this can be added to the !rules

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@urpalerp " accidental freekills when ct's are pursuing rebelling t's and might mistake a t with fd as a rebelled"


It's honestly not that hard to pay attention to when a ct gives a special order. Also, if you see someone who doesn't have any weapons, u could be cautious and ask if this person was given a special order. And if you do accidentally freekill, you'd get called out on it by the nature of the other player and then you could slay or give them another freeday. It's not that complicated.


Edit: plus if you don't even realize that they were given a special order, how r u gonna know when the ct that gave them the order dies?

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hey urp thanks for the suggestions but you have to realize jb atm have more experienced regulars that play 24/7 on t and rarely on CT and when a CT does a optional deathgame and gives multiple people fd's for winning deathgame and next thing you know they die and majority of ct's atm are unexperienced. @TheZZL thoughts? i know this happened just recently where you had to slay someone for fk someone that had a fd he and I were alive and even i couldn't remember who had a fd/ special order maybe at least type in chat the special orders along with saying it over mic.


ex. ct has taken a few t's to a deathgame, winner gets fd he stated it as he died, following CT gives orders to get to iso, pursuing CT goes into the deathgame to kill rebeller since a ct died a gun is in that area, you accidentally kill him and he spams in chat "i got a fked, slay" you get slayed the next round. This kind of secenrio is very confusing for the CT.

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hey urp thanks for the suggestions but you have to realize jb atm have more experienced regulars that play 24/7 on t and rarely on CT and when a CT does a optional deathgame and gives multiple people fd's for winning deathgame and next thing you know they die and majority of ct's atm are unexperienced. @TheZZL thoughts? i know this happened just recently where you had to slay someone for fk someone that had a fd he and I were alive and even i couldn't remember who had a fd/ special order maybe at least type in chat the special orders along with saying it over mic.


ex. ct has taken a few t's to a deathgame, winner gets fd he stated it as he died, following CT gives orders to get to iso, pursuing CT goes into the deathgame to kill rebeller since a ct died a gun is in that area, you accidentally kill him and he spams in chat "i got a fked, slay" you get slayed the next round. This kind of secenrio is very confusing for the CT.


I just thought that I'd point at that you can't give special orders in chat currently because of confusion and so that people can actually hear the order. If you really want the cts to notice that the special order was given, chat is definitely not the way to go as most cts (even experienced ones) don't always look at chat. Plus if your reasoning behind this is that cts are inexperienced, everyone has to start somewhere, they're gonna learn one way or another. And I also wanted to mention that currently the way that you're wording this is as if you believe special orders should be removed in total because they are confusing.

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Any basic CT would still know to say "FD revoked and freeze" which solves this whole issue. As urp mentioned it doesn't have to be a deathmatch when the chaos breaks, you could ask the T's or your CT buddies who has a FD and go on from there. When the main CT giving most of the orders that round dies chaos does break out, that's because none of the CT's make another order or even try to enforce the previous order. A lot of this argument you have still kinda boils down to having CT's who aren't great at the role, inexperience and only knowing a small amount of the rules.


So to answer your suggestion:

So I want to suggest that once a CT dies ur special orders are automatically revoked and go follow the new ct's orders or whatever the t's are currently following, this will reduce the amount of accidental freekills when ct's are pursuing rebelling t's and might mistake a t with fd as a rebelled.


Again as urp stated, you can just revoke it yourself. Take control as a CT when T's rebel and communicate with your CT buddies. There is no warden on the server, every CT has a right to give an order if they choose (not conflicting with other peoples orders of course.)

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Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common in Jailbreak. While I do think that there are ways to combat this, I also think that there shouldn't necessarily be a rule about it. Especially in the specific rule you're suggesting, it would be very hard for people to keep track of who gave what special order, and what a T is supposed to be doing or where they're coming from. A T who is given a free day is probably just as likely to be killed by revoking their order than if they just resumed their special order.


An example is this. Suppose the order is for all Ts to be at disco, and CT A gives prisoner B a free day. If CT A died and prisoner B went to disco, they would probably be shot and killed because they were "supposed to be in disco" awhile ago. Honestly, this just all stems from poor communication between CTs and as you said, inexperience playing CT. Also the fact that a lot of CTs are trigger-happy, and tend to shoot first and ask questions later.


My personal opinion is that if you have a free day, try to remain in viewing distance of CTs so that they know you have a free day, rather than wandering off and eventually getting shot by a meandering CT. Obviously if you're trying to rebel it doesn't really matter, but if not then I'd just trying to remain in sight of CTs.


I also usually don't take any action against a CT who kills a T when that T had a free day, because 90% of the time it's a miscommunication, or the CT simply didn't know that the T had a free day. Usually if you're a T who has a free day, and get freekilled, you'll get another free day the next round and people will be much more clear about it. But this is the case with almost all freekills, and it's near impossible to prevent freekills as a whole.


There probably isn't ever going to be a perfect fix for these types of incidents, but there's little we can do about it. Perhaps there's a plugin that would allow people to give freedays to people and it would pop up over their head, like if they were in an LR, who knows. Maybe that's something the modding team could possibly work on, I don't know. There are a lot of grey areas when it comes to Jailbreak, and this is definitely one of them.

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"maybe at least type in chat the special orders along with saying it over mic."---"I just thought that I'd point at that you can't give special orders in chat currently because of confusion and so that people can actually hear the order." I'm not against special orders but there should be a limit stating max people allowed to have a fd through special order so if something of sort similar to these situations we have something to refer to. You state that you can revoke fd's but i tend to not as the special order fd's are all coming from optional deathgames and if we ct's revoke it there would be no motivation to play optional deathgames on maps such as razor and revamp where there are no deathgames avaliable and we did have a sgedit on razor a while ago which had a deathgame but the map was removed.

Edited by Rawmondz
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"maybe at least type in chat the special orders along with saying it over mic."---"I just thought that I'd point at that you can't give special orders in chat currently because of confusion and so that people can actually hear the order." I'm not against special orders but there should be a limit stating max people allowed to have a fd through special order so if something of sort similar to these situations we have something to refer to. You state that you can revoke fd's but i tend to not as the special order fd's are all coming from optional deathgames and if we ct's revoke it there would be no motivation to play optional deathgames on maps such as razor and revamp where there are no deathgames avaliable and we did have a sgedit on razor a while ago which had a deathgame but the map was removed.


There's a difference between revoking a special fd because you feel like it and revoking it to control the prisoners. Ts aren't going to be discouraged from playing them just because a ct is trying to control the prison and revokes it every once in a while. I really don't see a problem with just saying "all ts go to [wherever u want them to], all freedays have been revoked" over mic. Like it's simple, fixes your problem, and then everyone's good.

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