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T Delay

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Although I haven't been super active the past few weeks, every time I get on JB I tend to see this problem happen at least once. There will be a T sitting in a far away corner not doing anything but crouched and staring at the ground. The T will sit there for the entire round doing nothing, for the sole reason of wasting peoples time. Like most human beings I value my time. It gets pretty old watching CT's look for this one T for 3-4 minutes.


In terms of the JB rules, if a T really wanted to sit in a corner and waste peoples time he/she could. He is consider rebelling in the rules which makes it the CT's job to find him. I get the CT's need to do a better job of keeping track of the T's which I totally agree with. However I don't like the idea of allowing people to ruin the flow of they game because the feel like it. You can chalk it up in anyway you want, but sitting in a corner on purpose to slow down the game shouldn't be allowed on any server.


This is a very specific problem but when it does happen it can kill a server population. Nobody wants to sit and do nothing while some random T is squatting in a corner. I think if a T is purposefully delaying the round he should subject to punishment from an admin. If a T is camping and waiting but plans on rebelling than I see no issues but if a T sits in one place for more than 2 minutes then he should be consider to be delaying.


Again this is a very specific issues so I doubt a change to make this happen would be completely necessary, but I think its a solid idea that can help keep the flow of the server in a positive direction.

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I think that T delaying is a very specific situation, as most of the time the Ts either wipe out the CTs or vice versa. We can see a lot of situations where the last CT delays the entire round and is subject to a warning and a slay. As a CT, the goal is to keep the Ts in check and eliminate all rebellers, which is why delaying/camping is not allowed and is subject to a slay. On the flip side, we can see that the T's goal is to rebel and kill off the CT team. Rebelling without doing anything really wastes everyone's time, and I think the delay/camping rule can be applied in these circumstances.


If one (or more, depending on the situation) T(s) camp something without actually trying to kill CTs while still being rebellers, I think that action can be put in place to hurry things up and prevent a wild goose chase to find the last T. I don't think a T should be punished for camping/delaying the rebellion if they aren't the last T (as in the game can still be played without them), but in the case of being the last T, the round is pretty much over and there would be no point in wasting everybody's time in delaying the round.


I think that if this was implemented on JB, we should have a warning to either tell the T to move and do something, or to at least reveal their location so the CTs can get to them, so the camping T can have a chance at winning. I don't think the same punishment of slaying is necessary, but definitely revealing one's location and banning off of multiple/many offenses would be ideal.


EDIT: Also, the subject of admin discretion will also be a factor in determining whether the T is delaying the round or not

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Although I haven't been super active the past few weeks, every time I get on JB I tend to see this problem happen at least once. There will be a T sitting in a far away corner not doing anything but crouched and staring at the ground. The T(Inno) will sit there for the entire round doing nothing, for the sole reason of wasting peoples time. Like most human beings I value my time. It gets pretty old watching CT's(Traitors) look for this one T(Inno) for 3-4 minutes.


Hello, I'm what they call a TTT Enthusiast, and I really feel you on this one, I really do mate.


Jokes aside, I don't really see a problem in this, the Ts have a right to do whatever they want as you said in your post, I was going to compare this with the "Innocent campers" on TTT, but the Traitors can buy radars, and Innos don't have to specifically hunt down the Traitors, it's quite the oppisite, same could be said for JB. (Traitors=CTS - Innos=Ts) And plus, it's the CT's fault for not paying attention to the Ts and maintaining order in the first place. In my opinion, I think this completely unnecessary, and if you have to complain about your time being wasted, well it's not, the map time is always the same mate.

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Edited by Asher
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The job of the Ts is to cause as much chaos as possible, while the job of the CTs is to maintain order. If a T runs away and camps, even though they're not doing anything, they shouldn't be punished for it because they're doing their job. They're taking away the attention and time of the CTs to hunt them down, which distracts them from the main portion of the group.


However, it does become quite annoying when there's only one T left and they're just sitting and camping in a secret, hoping that the CTs don't find them. However, it is not the T's job to hunt the CTs, it is the opposite, so I think punishing Ts for delaying wouldn't be a viable option, because then you're basically forcing them to go out and die.

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Hello, I'm what they call a TTT Enthusiast, and I really feel you on this one, I really do mate.


Jokes aside, I don't really see a problem in this, the Ts have a right to do whatever they want as you said in your post, I was going to compare this with the "Innocent campers" on TTT, but the Traitors can buy radars. And plus, it's the CT's fault for not paying attention to the Ts and maintaining order in the first place. In my opinion, I think this completely unnecessary, and if you have to complain about your time being wasted, well it's not, the map time is always the same mate.



See, the problem with this is that sometimes the CTs had no say whether or not as to how the T rebelled. On revamp, if I got first cell scout secret, ran to soccer teleport, and sat there for 4 minutes twiddling my thumbs only to die to the 6 CTs who were scouring the map, it's not the CT's fault for the situation I created. Same as for third cell secret. If I grabbed the awp and ran back to soccer catwalk, the CTs couldn't "pay attention" to how I rebelled. It should not be the CT's job to make Ts rebel, but rather the opposite: the Ts job is to make the CTs enforce. Recent suggestions have been to increase round time, so this is a problem that we should solve sooner rather than later, when Ts are holed up in armory vents waiting 8 minutes to actually push into armory.

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The job of the Ts is to cause as much chaos as possible, while the job of the CTs is to maintain order. If a T runs away and camps, even though they're not doing anything, they shouldn't be punished for it because they're doing their job. They're taking away the attention and time of the CTs to hunt them down, which distracts them from the main portion of the group.


However, it does become quite annoying when there's only one T left and they're just sitting and camping in a secret, hoping that the CTs don't find them. However, it is not the T's job to hunt the CTs, it is the opposite, so I think punishing Ts for delaying wouldn't be a viable option, because then you're basically forcing them to go out and die.


I completely agree with what Benzene said in the highlighted section. In an admin view point punishing a T that is in a secret if they were to leave they would be gunned down wouldn't really work out. The Ts are meant to do anything in their power to kill the CTs and cause as much havoc as possible, and its the CTs fault for not keeping the Ts in order and the Ts are distracting them from the rest of the group giving the not rebelling Ts a chance to rebel and kill the CTs. They shouldn't be punished in any way because they are doing their job and distracting the CTs and making them hunt down the one T in the secret instead of enforcing the rest of the Ts again giving the big main group a chance to rebel and take the round.

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I think what you guys have all said are points that are valid, but I think in this case we are talking about the certain situation of the last T(s) camping. I think in the case of a T hiding while there is a main group of Ts, it would make sense not to take action, however, when there is only, lets say, one T alive and he's just sitting on the other side of a large map with ZERO chance of winning, action should be taken, but it's really a one in a thousand chance of happening. Revising what I said, unless we are going to be picky with the rules, it definitely is a problem, but not large enough to change the rules for.

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The job of the Ts is to cause as much chaos as possible, while the job of the CTs is to maintain order. If a T runs away and camps, even though they're not doing anything, they shouldn't be punished for it because they're doing their job. They're taking away the attention and time of the CTs to hunt them down, which distracts them from the main portion of the group.


I don't really agree with this. I have already seen multiple situations where Ts just hide in secrets where it is difficult for the CTs to find them and delay the round for their entire team. It is incredibly annoying and they have been punished for it by admins when they are on. I don't think that a T should be rewarded or encouraged to camp and hide an entire round in order to "create chaos" as all it does is just annoy everyone and doesn't even really cause chaos as they aren't actually doing anything.


If they hide and camp when a majority of the Ts are alive then it's whatever, but if they are hiding when there are only a couple Ts left and keeping the round from ending while everyone is doing LRs I think it is an issue.

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I don't really agree with this. I have already seen multiple situations where Ts just hide in secrets where it is difficult for the CTs to find them and delay the round for their entire team. It is incredibly annoying and they have been punished for it by admins when they are on. I don't think that a T should be rewarded or encouraged to camp and hide an entire round in order to "create chaos" as all it does is just annoy everyone and doesn't even really cause chaos as they aren't actually doing anything.


If they hide and camp when a majority of the Ts are alive then it's whatever, but if they are hiding when there are only a couple Ts left and keeping the round from ending while everyone is doing LRs I think it is an issue.


First off I'd like to say Benzene is entirely correct in his statement that Ts are meant to do a few things rebel, listen to orders, and create hell to help the other Ts rebel/escape. If that means one T has to hide to distract a CT or two by all means do it because that means less eyes are watching the remaining Ts which can help with rebelling. If what you say is true and an admin is enforcing a rule like that we have a bigger issue because no such rule exists and as an admin you are only allowed to enforce rules that exist, and we have no such rule that prevents Ts from hiding all round. If it becomes a problem where there's not enough CTs to control the Ts then join CT yourself and people will follow if theres a large majority and eventually it'll become a good ratio to where you could join back.


EDIT: but if ur the last T hiding in a large map with minutes left ur annoying and should not be allowed but as of right now it's not against the rules

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Edited by Steven.
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