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LR // [SG] Jailbreak // "Shot4Shot Reload Bug"

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Bug Details |

During an LR in a Jailbreak match on the SG community server, there is a glitch that allows you to get a full magazine of bullets, instead of just one during a Shot4Shot LR.


Bug Information |

This Bug has been brought to the attention of many community members, and is possible in the course of being fixed, but I thought I would just remind the Staff team of this bug due to it's consequences.


Why the Bug Should be Removed |

During an LR the opposing team can use this bug to kill you by mistake, but this should be considered a cheat within the LR, which it is not.


Outro |

Thank you for viewing this request to remove this bug. Please have a safe and comforting quarantine.

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Bug Details |

During an LR in a Jailbreak match on the SG community server, there is a glitch that allows you to get a full magazine of bullets, instead of just one during a Shot4Shot LR.


Bug Information |

This Bug has been brought to the attention of many community members and is possible in the course of being fixed, but I thought I would just remind the Staff team of this bug due to its consequences.


Why the Bug Should be Removed |

During an LR the opposing team can use this bug to kill you by mistake, but this should be considered a cheat within the LR, which it is not.


Outro |

Thank you for viewing this request to remove this bug. Please have a safe and comforting quarantine.


This is a very old glitch, everyone knows about it.

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It happens if you already have a deagle as a CT and I think it occurs if you have it out or something. I don't know why, but it's been a bug for a very long time. It definitely is considered cheating LR though as you are not playing the LR as intended as a CT if you are spamming deagle shots when it is stated in chat that it is the other players first shot.

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