RemixedPixel Posted July 1, 2020 Content Count: 417 Joined: 08/27/18 Status: Offline Share Posted July 1, 2020 (edited) I haven't been playing for like a week, but in the previous thread, Benzene said this: "Even if you do misclick, by cheating the LR you are making it so that the T who you accepted the LR from has the right to kill you. If you accept an LR by accident, and you're trying to hunt down rebelling Ts it usually isnmt that big of a deal, and usually the T who LRed you is patient enough to wait for you to finish. However, this does mean that if they run towards you and try to knife you you're not allowed to kill them, because you cheated the LR." According to the Rules thread, it says: "Cheating during an LR as a Prisoner is considered rebelling, as a CT it is not allowed and punishable." What the fuck does "punishable" mean in terms of a T? CT's used to frequently cheat their LR to either gain back health or to delay rounds, are you saying T's had full right to kill them? If so, then that needs to be clearer in the rules, because currently I'd get sprayed down by other CTs before I would be able to kill a CT who cheated LR. Edited November 24, 2020 by TheZZL Link to comment
Amazing Posted July 1, 2020 Content Count: 569 Joined: 05/19/19 Status: Offline Share Posted July 1, 2020 (edited) Well, I think this was justified in the rules if CT's cheat the LR's the T has the right to kill them and for the other CT's that kill you that's freekilling only if you hadn't already killed the CT. So just report it to a admin and if they see it happen constantly after warning the player will receive a short ban or just make a player complaint if its consistent. For the punishable part im certain that the CT's are allowed to spray down the T only if the T kills the CT during the LR or if the T cheats the LR. Edited July 1, 2020 by Amazing Link to comment
Vanya Posted July 1, 2020 Content Count: 625 Joined: 08/23/17 Status: Offline Share Posted July 1, 2020 I haven't been playing for like a week, but in the previous thread, Benzene said this: "Even if you do misclick, by cheating the LR you are making it so that the T who you accepted the LR from has the right to kill you. If you accept an LR by accident, and you're trying to hunt down rebelling Ts it usually isnmt that big of a deal, and usually the T who LRed you is patient enough to wait for you to finish. However, this does mean that if they run towards you and try to knife you you're not allowed to kill them, because you cheated the LR." According to the Rules thread, it says: "Cheating during an LR as a Prisoner is considered rebelling, as a CT it is not allowed and punishable." What the fuck does "punishable" mean in terms of a T? CT's used to frequently cheat their LR to either gain back health or to delay rounds, are you saying T's had full right to kill them? If so, then that needs to be clearer in the rules, because currently I'd get sprayed down by other CTs before I would be able to kill a CT who cheated LR. IMO cheating your LR is only allowed if you are trying to kill rebellers. There is literally no other reason other than either the LR broke or someone is going to interfere your LR by killing you, in this case, I would allow the CT to cheat the LR. However, if a CT cheats an LR for no valid reason, such as they didn't want to do that LR or they just exploited it for health, the "punishment" would be me slaying them. I'm not so sure about the "right to kill the other CT" as most of the time CTs have valid reasons for cheating LRs, and then the Ts be all bitchy saying "You cheated my LR, now I get to kill you" even though the CT was defending his own life. To sum it up, if a CT cheats due to the fact that he is trying to enforce, I don't think it is punishable, however, cheating in LRs for no reason would deserve a slay, I don't think the Ts should get the kill for the CT's mishap, instead the T would be able to re-LR (as the current LR was not finished). 2 Link to comment
Benzene Posted July 3, 2020 Content Count: 1030 Joined: 01/05/20 Status: Offline Share Posted July 3, 2020 I didn't see this thread until now, but I'll try to give my thoughts on this. Obviously if a T cheats their LR it makes them automatically KOS. This can be done by using a secret, picking up a primary, damaging a different CT, or damaging their LR partner in a way outside of the LR (e.g. throwing a nade during a S4S, or shooting at them with a primary). With CTs cheating LRs, it's a bit different but it's basically admin discretion. I'll give a couple of examples of when cheating an LR is allowed (or at least not punishable). If the CT is in an LR and a rebelling T starts shooting at them, I would not punish them for cheating the LR and killing the rebelling T, as it is their duty and they're trying to stay alive in that moment. The same applies to if a CT sees another prisoner who won their LR, and kills them. I would not punish them for doing that, as they are performing a duty that is required of their role. However, if a CT is exploiting LRs to gain an unfair advantage, then that is definitely punishable. One example of this would be a CT that is accepting and cheating LRs simply to get a health refill. If it happens in the moment where a CT is low and accepts an LR, just to cheat it and try to kill rebellers it's not that big of a deal. However, if the CT is actively working with a T to get infinite health refills, that would be punishable. This also is the same for if a CT cheats an LR for no reason. An example of this would be cheating an LR because they accidentally accepted it; while it is cheating, it isn't really that big of a deal because they'll probably just go on to LR again. However, if they continually are accepting and cheating LRs because they don't like the LR weapon or the gamemode, that's punishable. When you accept an LR, you're agreeing to the rules of an LR and accepting one just to cheat it because you "don't like it" warrants punishment. If these are single-instance occasions and happen ever-so-often, again it's not too big of a deal. I'd say that I wouldn't punish a CT for cheating an LR unless they have clear motive behind it and are doing it to gain an unfair advantage or troll. I'm not going to slay a CT for cheating an LR, but if the T they chated on goes to kill them because they cheated and the CT refuses to let that happen, I'll slay them for that. It's very situational, and I'd say on this topic it's mostly just admin discretion on what is punishable and what isn't. 1 Link to comment
Vanya Posted July 3, 2020 Content Count: 625 Joined: 08/23/17 Status: Offline Share Posted July 3, 2020 I didn't see this thread until now, but I'll try to give my thoughts on this. Obviously if a T cheats their LR it makes them automatically KOS. This can be done by using a secret, picking up a primary, damaging a different CT, or damaging their LR partner in a way outside of the LR (e.g. throwing a nade during a S4S, or shooting at them with a primary). With CTs cheating LRs, it's a bit different but it's basically admin discretion. I'll give a couple of examples of when cheating an LR is allowed (or at least not punishable). If the CT is in an LR and a rebelling T starts shooting at them, I would not punish them for cheating the LR and killing the rebelling T, as it is their duty and they're trying to stay alive in that moment. The same applies to if a CT sees another prisoner who won their LR, and kills them. I would not punish them for doing that, as they are performing a duty that is required of their role. However, if a CT is exploiting LRs to gain an unfair advantage, then that is definitely punishable. One example of this would be a CT that is accepting and cheating LRs simply to get a health refill. If it happens in the moment where a CT is low and accepts an LR, just to cheat it and try to kill rebellers it's not that big of a deal. However, if the CT is actively working with a T to get infinite health refills, that would be punishable. This also is the same for if a CT cheats an LR for no reason. An example of this would be cheating an LR because they accidentally accepted it; while it is cheating, it isn't really that big of a deal because they'll probably just go on to LR again. However, if they continually are accepting and cheating LRs because they don't like the LR weapon or the gamemode, that's punishable. When you accept an LR, you're agreeing to the rules of an LR and accepting one just to cheat it because you "don't like it" warrants punishment. If these are single-instance occasions and happen ever-so-often, again it's not too big of a deal. I'd say that I wouldn't punish a CT for cheating an LR unless they have clear motive behind it and are doing it to gain an unfair advantage or troll. I'm not going to slay a CT for cheating an LR, but if the T they chated on goes to kill them because they cheated and the CT refuses to let that happen, I'll slay them for that. It's very situational, and I'd say on this topic it's mostly just admin discretion on what is punishable and what isn't. One of the main questions on this thread is what is deemed the "punishment" when a CT cheats LR under the circumstances that would receive punishment? I think that there are one of two ways this can be interpreted: 1) Admins punish cheaters just like how a freekiller would be treated 2) The T is allowed to kill the CT The whole thought of the T being allowed to kill the CT because they cheated is just stupid in my opinion as then it would cause many different issues like people complaining about "freekill because he cheated so I had the right to kill him without being KOS" and other stuff like that. I don't belive a T should have the right to kill the CT because of the cheated LR, but cheating LRs should be treated like a freekiller; it's breaking the rules, and it can be reported for exploiting/breaking rules. I wonder what everyone's thoughts are on this, as @RemixedPixel mentioned: What the fuck does "punishable" mean in terms of a T? CT's used to frequently cheat their LR to either gain back health or to delay rounds, are you saying T's had full right to kill them? If so, then that needs to be clearer in the rules, because currently I'd get sprayed down by other CTs before I would be able to kill a CT who cheated LR. @Benzene if you would like to add to your extremely long explanation about cheating LRs, that would help answer the question 1 Link to comment
Chad Posted August 27, 2020 Content Count: 928 Joined: 07/06/19 Status: Offline Share Posted August 27, 2020 This new rule change should answer this thread! Old rule: A CT is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR. A prisoner who cheats or delays during their LR is KOS. New rule: A CT is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR unless dealing with a rebelling T. A prisoner who cheats or delays during their LR is KOS. (Changelog will be up soon) Link to comment
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