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S4S T's Aiming at CT's

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During the LR phase toward the end of the round when a T can send a "Last Request" to a CT, A strategy to guarantee a kill used by many T's is to start a s4s and shoot at a CT they are not in LR with. Many times the CT they are shooting at has no way to defend themselves due to the fact that the T gets a free deagle shot that could end up going straight into their head, the only possible way a CT can prevent this is to wait 3 seconds and tell the T "stop delaying" from witch the T can either shoot at their LR partner within 3 seconds after the command is given or shoot at a random CT of their choosing whos at 40 heal and would die to a body shot. As @Vanya stated to me, its against the rules to just flat out dome a T aiming at you when its there shot but i truly believe that shouldn't be the case. A solution could be that a ct is aloud to shoot at a T in a s4s LR that is aiming at them for a certain period of time. An example is shown in this video where the CT is at low enough health to die to a deagle shot and proceeded to dome the T for consistently aiming at them.



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number 1: never put a number on these types of rules

number 2: this doesn't happen very often

number 3: the t doesn't really gain much, they're going to get sprayed anyways for cheating LR, so basically they have a possibly harder time shooting at another ct

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Not gonna lie, it was just my opinion since it doesn't really say in the rules in which situation you could kill a T for. In my opinion, you should only kill a T if they fire at you or damage you. This is because,


1) The T could simply be trying to look around while holding out their LR gun, which would make many rule abusers kill the Ts off this if CTs could kill Ts when they point the gun at them

2) CTs who get in the way could also abuse this rule

3) In my opinion, a T would only show that they are trying to kill you by attempting to kill you, meaning that they actually shoot at you. This is kind of like the case of the attempted knife rule, in which they would only be KOS if they actually swing at you, not just holding their knives out and running towards you


Killing a T off of shooting at you makes sense as they are showing clear intention to kill you, while killing a T off of pointing a gun at you can be controversial because of the many reasons a T could be aiming in some other direction.


We also have the new delay rule in S4S which can combat Ts who are delaying by pointing their guns somewhere else. In the end, the T will die as long as CTs pay attention to what is happening around them, and a CT who is paying attention will probably not get headshot/bodyshot by some T doing an LR; they will find some way to prevent themselves from dying.

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number 1: never put a number on these types of rules

number 2: this doesn't happen very often

number 3: the t doesn't really gain much, they're going to get sprayed anyways for cheating LR, so basically they have a possibly harder time shooting at another ct


I see it 1-2 times a map and the T gains as much as he would by winning an LR

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Maybe just don't be lower then 50 hp? If you are at 50 hp and are spectating a S4S, you are stupid. Go to medic or something, tell your CT to not take his shot till u comeback or to wait like 5 seconds. If the T shoots at the you and misses u can kill him but him just aiming at you is kinda stretching it. You could say they are delaying and tell them to look towards his LR partner if you are in a situation where Medic isn't an option.

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No way we could make it a rule. Aiming at a CT would be such a vague rule and would be the subject of so much freekilling. But seriously, you can easily not die just by paying attention to the other Ts in last requests and if you see one aiming at you just jump around. 99.9% of players aren’t going to die if you’re aware.

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As drippy said, this isn't going to become a rule because it would be impossible to enforce, it has a very large grey area, and it would result in a lot more freekilling. If you're a CT not in an LR, you probably shouldn't ever be standing still. Hell, it's Jailbreak; as a CT you should never be standing still unless you're shooting. Be aware of your surroundings, if you get tapped by an LRing T it's 90% going to be your fault for not paying attention.


Here's what I go off of: if it's not the T's shot, it's a moot point. If it's the T's shot and they're aiming at a CT who isn't their LR partner, it's delaying. You can call them out for it and tell them to stop delaying, and then kill them for it if they refuse to comply. If they shoot at a CT who they're not LRing with they are KOS, because they're attempting to damage a CT that's not in their LR. Obviously if they shoot a CT that's not their psrtner they're KOS as well.


However, please use common sense. If a T misses their shot and it goes near another CT use your judgement. If they're intentionally trying to hit a CT that they're not LRing then you can kill them. But if they accidentally hit another CT well then it's just up to the CTs whether or not to kill the T.

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As a T, I love to do this. I take note of my surroundings while in a s4s lr and try to figure out what the best possible outcome would be. Most of the time it ends up with me killing a CT who was not in a lr and was spectating and then proceeding to grab a nearby gun and kill the CT that I was in the lr with. I try not to make it too obvious to avoid a CT killing me because most new players tend to shoot you if you blatantly stare at them for too long with your pistol out. I have still had a few moments where a CT would kill me for staring at them even though it isn't kos. With this being a rule is highly unlikely due to the nature of every other possible reason for a person to aim in the direction of a CT.

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I personally think this wouldn't be a good fit for an addition to the rules due to the fact that enforcing it would be damn near impossible but it would leave a gray area. It would lead to CT killing Ts in an LR for even looking in the general vicinity of the CT. And If your really gonna be close enough to an LRing T then you should be very careful. This is just common sense, being close to a T lring and not being careful is a death wish. Like codez said there are some Ts who use their surroundings to their advantage and find a way to survive, this happens to include looking at the other CTs around you and if getting killed for looking at them would be a not so great thing to add. I dont think it would fit especially with all the grey area of a rule like this. Aswell as the other problems I stated above.

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