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Add this map to the server?  

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  1. 1. Add this map to the server?


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Map Suggestion

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Mapmakers Notes:
The map is themed around an abandoned Iraq-style military base, where bunkers and buildings have been left in poor desolate conditions. Weapons left behind from the evacuation of the military base are scattered for Terrorists to find. The map’s design is featured around the play-style of a detail-focused Jailbreak server, where warden skills are favoured over random games scattered around the map. Players can find an arrangement of games around the map, including a separate friendly-fire arena/war-day designed to feel like an active warzone. The map’s large size is designed around the openness of a desert area as well as the multi-story building/cliff areas, providing for a both horizontal and vertical playstyle for the CT side.
Map includes multiple hidden secrets, vents, custom radar and secret powers.
(The map is best experienced under normal CSGO jailbreak plugin conditions, including allowing for FF toggles and server commands to be visable.)
Skipping (Special thanks to BoinkBeats for the custom track)
Terrorist Shootout
Custom Hunger Games / War-day Arena (Teleporter inside the heli above cells)
Military-themed Platform Obstacle
Military-themed Training Course
Pit Obstacle
Disco Game (Another thanks to BoinkBeats for four additional original songs)
Hungry Hungry Hippos
Various jump games / Wall Climbs
Deagle toss platforms
Connect Four
Abandoned Building Lava Game
Car Game
CT-based Choose your Destiny.
Vents from Bottom left cell leading to armory
Vents from the back of the warehouse in Car Game leading inbetween Car and Escape Climb Warehouse
Final Notes:
While testing we weren't able to visualize any guns, but the map feels open enough to support many weapon secrets. The Warday/Iraqi Warzone feature enables Friendly Fire when it teleports the Ts into the arena, we could find a way to disable that/only allow it to work on the Prisoners inside the game. It looks like a good map that would fit our server.

Screenshots attached

Edited by Chad
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This map would be really fun if we had players who enjoyed doing minigames in JB. But, because of how DM-like the server is, this map would rarely get played. 


Will definitely keep this map in mind though in the future.

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