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T Point Requirement for CT

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Can we just finally get one already, it's been tiring to no end to just have CTs with 0-15 t points freekilling because they simply don't know the rules. Apparently the last time this was shot down was because bad Ts stand less of a chance to get CT. That is simply a bad reason, because if you're not a semi-capable rebeller, you shouldn't be CT, simple.


I propose a bare minimum 5 t point requirement to play CT.


Let's do some math:


A typical JB player averages 0.05 to 0.20 kills per minute online. On average, T's die at around 2:00, let's say, as CT's force deathgames and maybe kill rebellers.

This means that we can multiply an average kpm by 5/3 (5 minutes divided by 3 minutes alive) to get average kills per minute alive. Currently, the requirement of time alive on T side to get CT is 20 minutes (according to Infinity), so on the low end the requirement is 2 t points (rounded from 1.66...) and the higher end is 7 (rounded from 6.66...). The average of those two numbers is 4.16, which for simplicity's sake should be moved to 5.


All these calculations are very rough estimates, but if these simple requirements are fulfilled, we will definitely see improvement in the CT side.


Thanks for listening to my TED talk, I will now be taking any questions.

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Edited by RemixedPixel
I'll make the proposal bigger
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I don’t understand how the amount of points you get on t would determine that you don’t break rules on ct. we already have a time requirement put in place to prevent this very thing from happening, unfortunately the plugin seems to be bugged and doesn’t work. We don’t need more plugins prohibiting players from joining the ct side.

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I don’t understand how the amount of points you get on t would determine that you don’t break rules on ct. we already have a time requirement put in place to prevent this very thing from happening, unfortunately the plugin seems to be bugged and doesn’t work. We don’t need more plugins prohibiting players from joining the ct side.


Currently the plugin measures only t side time alive, which means that if you spend 4 rounds of 5 minutes just chilling in your cell you're eligible to play CT without doing a single order. The t point requirement basically asks new players to learn how to rebel, follow orders before they become CT.

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I brought this idea up here, and I think it’s a great idea. It gives them an understanding of how to rebel, and once on CT side they can then be better equipped to combat rebellers. Ultimately, the idea was rejected:


2. T point system to join CT doesn't seem to feasible in practice. For some players 25 kills/points/whatever may take a long time. For others it may take 15 minutes. Because of the inconsistent player experience this change may bring we've decided to keep our current course with regards to our CT lockout time.


I don’t understand how the amount of points you get on t would determine that you don’t break rules on ct. we already have a time requirement put in place to prevent this very thing from happening, unfortunately the plugin seems to be bugged and doesn’t work. We don’t need more plugins prohibiting players from joining the ct side.


The CT-Timer works just fine, what he’s saying is with more experience on T side it’ll make you a better CT. It makes sense, and would force them to understand how prisoners can become rebellious and cause chaos fast.


My one issue is that I wouldn’t want something like this to turn away players approaching CT side, because as we know Jailbreak gets into dips of low CT population often.

Edited by TheZZL
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I definitely understand why 25 t points was rejected: plugging 25 t points into the equation gives us 125 minutes on the low side, and 500 minutes on the high side, which I agree is a large hurdle for good and bad players alike.


My one issue is that I wouldn’t want something like this to turn away players approaching CT side, because as we know Jailbreak gets into dips of low CT population often.


I think if we had less, but better CTs, they can easily run jb better than more bad CTs talking over each other and giving bad orders. A 5-15 ratio is more winnable for CT on razor with good CTs than a 8-12 ratio with bad ones. If getting 5 kills on T side turns you away from playing CT, then I guess no one's playing Tango with their CT quiz or whatever.

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Kuri does bring up a very valid point about how T points equates to knowing the rules. But thing is, people don't always play JB to only get kills. A lot of them play for fun rather then just finding the nearest gun and beaming the CTs. And you can take these averages, but it's all about the player. I can understand how it might take a T 3+ maps to actually get 25 points. I think it also takes away from the role playing of the game mode and encourages killing and rebelling 24/7.

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I think in my opinion having a double requirement could work. Lets say to join CT side you would need:


- 15 points (which would take a minimum of 30 minutes)

- 2 hours of playtime


Having a 2 requirements such as this will force players who just idle on T side to get up and get some points, while in the meantime it will prevent players who are skilled from getting on CT side too quickly so they can actually learn the rules fully. 2 hours of playtime is equivalent to getting CT banned for mass freekill, and 99% of the time if someone gets CT banned for MFK for that long, they would learn the rules by then.

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One thing to keep in mind for new players is that it is sometimes hard the get points because, A: They die to a ct not knowing how to follow orders correctly. B: Sometimes too scared to use a gun and rebel, or C: Not being able to get kills because of the other ts who rebel more killing all the cts before they get a change to a kill of their own. This also dosn't take in fact the players own skill. For bad players they most of the time lose to a ct who far better then them aim wise.

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One thing to keep in mind for new players is that it is sometimes hard the get points because, A: They die to a ct not knowing how to follow orders correctly. B: Sometimes too scared to use a gun and rebel, or C: Not being able to get kills because of the other ts who rebel more killing all the cts before they get a change to a kill of their own. This also dosn't take in fact the players own skill. For bad players they most of the time lose to a ct who far better then them aim wise.


I think Auto puts it perfectly a lot of the factors that account for them getting 15 points they should just leave it to time. Once they fix it 30 mins of them playing should be enough but the !showrules thing should also be added for admins so that they can force them to read the rules.

Edited by Amazing
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