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Tweaking the BHOP Server Name

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Just dawned on me that our bhop server is named easy bhop and I feel that can be misleading. We do have T4 and T5 maps and @Noxstarhas considered even adding a T6 in the future if I remember correctly. It just doesn't sound right that someone looking to learn or just chill and not do hard maps joins to a T5 behemoth like sqee or alvo2 instead of a random T1 they can learn or chill on. Just think it would be good to go back to just BHOP 24/7 instead of Easy BHOP 24/7 to prevent misleading anyone and so that we represent our server correctly. 

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Edited by Reid99
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  On 10/25/2020 at 1:53 PM, phoenix_ said:



Just dawned on me that our bhop server is named easy bhop and I feel that can be misleading. We do have T4 and T5 maps and @Noxstarhas considered even adding a T6 in the future if I remember correctly. It just doesn't sound right that someone looking to learn or just chill and not do hard maps joins to a T5 behemoth like sqee or alvo2 instead of a random T1 they can learn or chill on. Just think it would be good to go back to just BHOP 24/7 instead of Easy BHOP 24/7 to prevent misleading anyone and so that we represent our server correctly. 


It’s for advertisement to get more players they won’t change it.

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  On 10/25/2020 at 3:45 PM, Kit-Kat-Tat said:

It’s for advertisement to get more players they won’t change it.


I think you're missing my point. The point of changing the name is so that we advertise the server correctly. Advertising an easy bhop server when you are not exclusively running easy maps is honestly misleading advertisement. There are only like 2 or 3 consistently up 128 tick bhop servers. I honestly don't see too much of a negative change in players happening if the name is changed. 

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I fully agree with Phoenix’s point. I definitely believe that some experienced bhoppers possibly come across our server, but aren’t intrigued to it because it says “Easy Bhop” when they’re actually looking for a challenge. Even though we actually have maps that are pretty hard, some people might not actually take the time to join the server and check it out. I’m pretty sure the majority of our bhop community are a lot more experienced than in the learning stage. 

I could be overlooking this but a minor change like this could potentially bring us some extra players to our Bhop server. 

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Edited by Arctic
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  On 10/25/2020 at 11:08 PM, Arctic said:

The Bhop Server Manager will do what’s best to benefit the server for everyone, at his capability. 


Do you know how a server works? They put Easy Bhop in the name for advertisement there’s some maps on there that I can’t do man. I literally know a guy that owns a bhop server and I don’t know if the motives are different but they put easy bhop in the name for advertisement. Know what now that I’m writing this the motives are probably different but still the maps are still hard there are tier 5s in there you think the server manager would just be like “huh yea this is easy let’s but Easy Bhop in the name” no that’s not how a server works.

Edited by Kit-Kat-Tat
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