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What are you listening to at the moment?

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  • Joined:  06/27/11
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Right now is kind of weird for me. I listen to a lot of John Mayer, Muse, and Underoath. Basically those genres in general (Blues, Alternative, and Metal)


But I have started listening to a ton of Ambient Trance music. AKA relaxing music, or stuff they play at like, spas and stuff. It's really nice and I sleep so well because of it! You guys should try it sometime! It makes getting up for work a lot harder :p


When I'm not listening to any of those listed above, it's usually Dubstep (Skrillex, UKF, Andy's iLL, etc.)


I've very open to a ton of music, except country. No offense to any country people in here, my boyfriend was raised on a farm, so I hear it plenty, lol (:

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