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question for video proof

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I have a question for something like the "if the video quality has to be good or it dosent matter?" and my other question is "if i have video proof of someone massfreekilling and i dont have the steam id can i still post the player complaint?"

please awnser so i can report a massfreekilling dude


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13 minutes ago, Ah! said:

I have a question for something like the "if the video quality has to be good or it dosent matter?" and my other question is "if i have video proof of someone massfreekilling and i dont have the steam id can i still post the player complaint?"

please awnser so i can report a massfreekilling dude


Quality of the video has to be distinguishable to see who the person breaking the rules are and you could get the steam ID of that specific player by going here https://steam-gamers.net/stats/ and searching up their exact name and making sure its the same person who was breaking the rules and copy the steam ID by his name.

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12 minutes ago, Ah! said:

I have a question for something like the "if the video quality has to be good or it dosent matter?" and my other question is "if i have video proof of someone massfreekilling and i dont have the steam id can i still post the player complaint?"

please awnser so i can report a massfreekilling dude


Pretty much as long as your evidence provides context to the situation (like what the order was), because once in a blue moon mass killings are within the rules and shows the offender doing the offense, you're good. Legend has it someone made a perm request by recording his monitor with his phone, so even if the quality isn't that great, it can serve its purpose.


As far as his steam ID goes, if you were unable to get it in game, search their name on the jailbreak stats page and click on the profile of the person you are accusing to get their Steam ID.

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The video quality doesn't have to be perfect but just good enough so we can visualize what happened. If you weren't able to grab the convict's steam id you can head over to the "Stats" tab, click on our JB server, head over to the "search" button at the top of the page, then you can type in the person's steam username. Keep scrolling through until you find the right one, then you should be able to see the users Steam ID on their profile.

I'll provide a picture as an example, hopefully it should be a bit easier.


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