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Ban Policy for Cheating

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I've wanted to make this post for a while now, but I feel only very recently have enough people agreed with me on this for it to be a considered suggestion. 


I think it would be helpful to give a minimum of 6-12 month long (ideally permanent) bans for people who have been VAC banned, but not directly banned on SG or because of evidence on SG.


I know some people think this is outlandish, but there are many regulars walking among us who have been VAC banned on previous accounts, with some even being repeat offenders. It really doesn't make sense to me why VAC'd players can still play on SG when they played SG on that account.


Some people might counter-argue with this by saying, "if there's no evidence of them cheating here, why ban them here?", but I don't think that covers closet cheaters, as I've definitely seen my fair share of them on SG in the past year and a half. I also think it's incredibly unlikely someone who's willing to cheat on official Valve servers would not cheat on community servers; if anything the regulars would be more inclined to cheat with and against people they're familiar with if they're a regular here.


Now I'm not saying people can't change, many people have given up their cheating ways and become great members of the community; most obvious example is Haxor. However, for regulars who have been VAC banned and refuse to talk about it or admit they were cheating, I don't see why they should still be here. That's my hot take. Hope you guys really take this one into consideration.


EDIT: Originally I wasn't going to call anyone out in particular, but I feel a perfect example of this is Kofi. Besides his obviously poor attitude, he's been VAC banned on his old account, and still refuses to admit he is or was ever cheating. How can we trust people like this on our servers? https://steamcommunity.com/id/NotKofi

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Plenty of regs have VAC bans that they got years ago. Vinyl, for example, got his VAC ban 5 years ago. It wouldn't make sense to ban him because if he got banned for hacking on the servers 5 years ago, he would be unbanned by now if he bothered to make a ban appeal. Black Rain is VAC banned too >.> It is none of our business if their VAC ban is recent anyways. What they do in other games is none of our business. If someone got VAC banned for hacking in Black Ops 1 they will not get banned here. You can't even see what game people have been VAC banned in so if they just so happened to be banned from CSGO, we would have no idea. People who are "closeted cheaters" should be reported with sufficient evidence. It's okay to come out of the closet. We have a system in place to take care of people who want to hack and it is called player complaints. It is a pretty outlandish idea.

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If someone has been vacced banned and there really isn't a sure amount of evidence of them cheating on servers I don't see the point. Of course if you can see that someone has been vacced before by looking at their account and if shown you can try to spectate them to see if anything is off. We've had people that have been vacced in the past or even newer regs that may have been vacced thought I think if there is no evidence of them cheating on servers why bother to do anything. If someone gets vacced it's really not our problem since it could be from other games too. 


22 minutes ago, dafty said:

However, for regulars who have been VAC banned and refuse to talk about it or admit they were cheating, I don't see why they should still be here.

This part here doesn't make much sense to me. I don't see why someone wants to openly talk about their old vac bans. There's no point in trying to get someone to explain or talk about their vac bans if they don't want to. It could be from a different game or a past experience  that the person doesn't want to talk about. If it's happened then is shows on their account but there's no reason try to get the person to openly talk about it.

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I should've touched more on this with my initial post; I think each person should be treated individually with their own punishments if any at all. Obviously someone with a situation like Vinyl's or Black Rain's shouldn't receive a punishment.


I guess I should have given more examples similar to Kofi because I really do believe action should be taken in those specific cases.

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Thought crimes are still crimes guys! I think we should ban people if they even think about cheating in a video game. I was personally expelled from the Smash brother community when I told them that I had used cheat codes to unlock Luigi in Super Smash Brothers for the N64.


That line of thinking stuck with me and I think that we should employ the same policy here. Of course not for staff above CA, that would be ridiculous. Only regs and admins should be punished.

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1 hour ago, fozilla mirefox said:

Thought crimes are still crimes guys! I think we should ban people if they even think about cheating in a video game. I was personally expelled from the Smash brother community when I told them that I had used cheat codes to unlock Luigi in Super Smash Brothers for the N64.


That line of thinking stuck with me and I think that we should employ the same policy here. Of course not for staff above CA, that would be ridiculous. Only regs and admins should be punished.

I know this is a joke, but I think people took what I said the wrong way. I'm not saying positions of power should hold any sort of immunity if this policy was enacted. In Vinyl and Black Rain's case is was long, long ago and they've obviously denounced it since then.

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46 minutes ago, Kieran said:

How to kill your server population 101

Just needed some more emphasis for this ^^^


What people have done to get VAC'd on other games or official csgo servers is not a SG problem, once those tendencies start to bleed onto our servers and community is when they need to be addressed.

Looking for people to ban is not a good image to have for SG or staff.

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Im gonna go strait out of the gate and say I think this is a stupid idea. There is already enough of a "crisis" in members in some servers this would just further make of that "crisis". If someone at the age of 13 decided to get free cheats and got caught they now cant play SG servers. If you get banned in tf2, source, black ops 1, modern warfare then you cant play SG servers that is ridiculous. People with a VAC ban are already treated harmfully with cheating allegations and not getting a right to play other servers. SG should be and I believe will remain a safe haven for people with VAC bans because they cheated when they were stupid and probably realized its not that fun.

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