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TTT Suggestion

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Yo, just think it would be handy if we could do !rdm if we feel we have been RDMed in a round and it would show up in chat for the admins+ as "[Player] believes they have been RDMed this round. Check console to see details." Then,  the admin could open console and see who the suspected RDMer is once they are dead. Hopefully this could allow for players to report an RDM without spoiling the round for admins playing. Seems pretty simple to make in theory, and I feel it would be really handy to have, much like !fk on jailbreak.

Edited by phoenix_
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Hey bro! We already have a admin chat so that you can directly message an admin that is active on the server. If there isn’t in admin, you can always do the !calladmin command. I would also like to point out that admins can’t slay the suspected rdmer unless they have seen them do it or have video evidence. They can check console anytime but, it wouldn’t really matter much

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This was previously suggested here and while some of the reasons for it being rejected aren't valid anymore, some still are. TTT is a far more complex gamemode, with more engaged users, and far more aggression and heat when it comes to death (If it was RDM or not), and a lot of the time you can think your death was an RDM until the accused dies and you can talk to them. So, not only would I imagine mass false-reporting, but also it would be difficult for the admins to effectively administrate if they're looking at the logs and questioning the players more than being present and observant in-game. I'd like to note that when the new TTT plugin was launched there was actually a system that caught RDMs/Bad Actions, reported it to admins, and we had a special way of handling the case and administering a punishment. However, it was buggy and eventually pulled from the server.


I'm not a fan, but if the managers are up for it we can see if it plays out as I think it would or not.


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