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how do you become a Director?

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3 minutes ago, Starlegendgod said:

what's the shortest route of staff promoting to even have the chance to become a director(including a lot of hard work, dedication, and trust)

there is no short route unless you've been here for a long time and have held staff positions throughout the year. we also aren't really looking for new directors 24/7. usually once a year or maybe not even.

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3 hours ago, TheZZL said:

You need to have put in enough hard work and dedication at SG to become an Internal Affairs Officer (Human Resources), then a spot on the board needs to be open. Then, if you've shown you are a qualified member for the position you may get promoted after discussion from Gator and Caution (VP and P). Or, you can be like @BoM and bribe your way to the top.



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12 hours ago, John said:

You don't have to be IA to become BD. More people have become a Director off of being LSM than IA. IAs are on the same level of SMs. Putting in a lot of hard work and building up trust with the Directors puts you in a good spot to get the position. Being IA would be helpful but you don't necessarily need it. Usually LSMs have been IAs ontop of being LSM so I see why people would think that.

So all members in IAs and SMs are candiates being a director? Is it even possible for a senior admin become a director?

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