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Selling cosmetics that are unwanted for credits back or half of them back

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I have items such as tracers in TTT that screw me over becuase killing off cosmetics, so they're unused. So i just have a couple tracers that sit there unused while i have to play a lot for the g3g skin. I dont feel like playing for like 3000 minutes to get it. So if i could sell extra stuff or unused stuff i would be able to get the stuff ibdo want. Maybe just cut the credits given back by half or a 4th

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Edited by TheZZL
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Pretty sure this was suggested before and it was rejected because it can be easily abused like buying new skin one day and just selling it when the next skin comes out. The whole idea of skins is more or else to give players an incentive to play and this just kills that.

Edited by BloodBlades
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1 hour ago, BloodBlades said:

Pretty sure this was suggested before and it was rejected because it can be easily abused like buying new skin one day and just selling it when the next skin comes out.

Why not make it so that when you sell a cosmetic you only get 30% to 40% of your credits back cause it is strange that you can’t “refund” cosmetics nearly every other server I’ve been on allows that

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Edited by Never_Mind
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3 minutes ago, Never_Mind said:

Why not make it so that when you sell a cosmetic you only get 30% to 40% of your credits back

that was what was purposed too I dont see a big issue with it but extra credits to buy expensive skins is also a reason to buy supporter which keeps the servers running. So just deleting an incentive to buy supporter would hurt in donation numbers.  Tbh I would like this to be put in place as I have so much stuff I dont use but it prob wont. 

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Edited by BloodBlades
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what about along with never_mind's suggestion there would be a trading ban, such as you cant trade the skin you bought with those credits, or you can only exchange them once a month or smth 

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Suggested many times in the past and it’s always been turned down. While there are many things in our lockers we would like to refund, we simply are not able to implement this for a couple reasons. It would take a while to implement this onto every single server we have and we have enough to focus on right now than refunding cosmetics, skins, etc.. at the moment it’s just not needed. The main reason why we wouldn’t do this is because it destroys the entire purpose of buying monthly supporter. If we actually let people refund skins for any kind of revenue, that being 30% 40% whatever, it would drive people away from buying supporter anymore, and we obviously don’t want that because that’s important to us. 

It’s not a bad suggestion, but I could rant on and on why it will never be added. 

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