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Raffle Trial 2 electric boogaloo

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Alright everyone,


This month we're gonna keep it simple with a single  $25 Steam Gift Card. Buy-ins for the raffle are $1. Same rules apply as last time, and it ends the last minute of April. Make sure to message me with confirmation so you can get raffle #'s. Please let me know if you have any questions!



The current ground-rules for this trial:


  • It will be open from the moment I post this thread to 11:59pm PDT, April 30th. 
  • Each raffle ticket is $1.
  • There are no limits to the amount of raffle tickets you can buy.
  • Eligibility: You must be a forum member as of the time of this post, and you must be in good standing (not banned). If you get forum banned at all, for any duration of time, I will refund you your ticket and you will become ineligible. All ranks allowed to participate. 
  • You may buy tickets for other people, so long as they meet the eligibility requirements.
  • I will fully refund any number of tickets you request, as long as it's done prior to the end of the raffle. 
  • Winner will be drawn shortly after; most likely the next day, unless something comes up for me. This will be to ensure that everyone who got in during the window gets sent a raffle ticket.
  • I will draw the winner, and it will be done live (in some manner, haven't decided yet).
  • Unless participants inform ME of a situation where they will be AFK, the winner(s) will have 72 hours from the time I post the results to claim the prize(s).
  • Send me a forum PM for further details to claim. I am not going to hunt people down.
  • In the event where a prize is unclaimed after 72 hours, I will publicly inform everyone that the person did not contact me and will immediately hold another live drawing to determine the winner (the person who did not claim the prize will still be eligible for the redraw).
  • You MUST PM me on the forums with your PayPal email you used to purchase the ticket(s), so I can verify and give you the ticket(s). If you do not hear back from me please follow up.
  • Anything not mentioned here that comes up later will be handled, disputed, resolved, etc., by me.





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Bump - get your tickets! So far no one has participated, and at this point seems like an easy way to nab a $25 gift card, cause I’m giving it away even if only one person buys a single ticket!

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  On 4/27/2021 at 5:39 PM, Caution said:

Bump - get your tickets! So far no one has participated, and at this point seems like an easy way to nab a $25 gift card, cause I’m giving it away even if only one person buys a single ticket!


i bought a ticket on the first tho what https://gyazo.com/b886048eb7db6c0e5a4833a0149d2343

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  On 4/27/2021 at 7:42 PM, jin said:

i bought a ticket on the first tho what https://gyazo.com/b886048eb7db6c0e5a4833a0149d2343


Did you: 

  • You MUST PM me on the forums with your PayPal email you used to purchase the ticket(s), so I can verify and give you the ticket(s). If you do not hear back from me please follow up.
Edited by Mace
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