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Can we like get a popular server like JB OR TTT to come raid jb for pop, than it would last atleast 1 hour and we just play ze and have fun?, I think the last time we did this was ZE came on MG, which I dont know if it was a Event or not but since ZE is about to die out I thought we could  something like this?

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Right now JB is kind of almost only where the #’s are, we mostly have been trying to raid it from Discord. I’m not opposed to helping shock some life into it using JB’s pop it’s really just a matter of how integrated the players on JB are to care about the health of ZE. The way to spin it would be that we’re going to play on there, come join up obviously lol. Someone might mention how this might somehow hurt JB in this thread or siphon players. It benefits the entire community for every server to succeed in a real way, but there is a point where you can spread yourself too even. 

I think the things that save ZE this time aren’t as much strictly player pop grinding but we’re also gonna need to do a deep dive on the servers issues (possible improvements), community meeting (for the server itself, to pinpoint what needs to be done ), probably bring on another manager, get changes pushed, events, bring on new admins, new players, new maps and so on. This time a hard focus on embracing ZE as part of SG and not some weird 3rd party server might play a part in its longer term success and prevent some implosion later on. I plan on making a second thread with tangible ideas when I’m not busy this week, unfortunately it is Monday. And I am going to be very busy this week. 

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Not too sure what the intention behind this is, I don't see there being a need to have an event just for having some "player migration" away from their normal server(s) for an hour or so.


It's as simple as going "Hey guys, (x) server has (y) amount of people. Let's go join it!" and whoever joins joins. If they don't it's fine given I wouldn't want to force them to play something that they don't want to play.


I hope this answered something from my end. I'm not an Event Coordinator but if you're looking for events for ZE I might talk to some staff and get back to ya with an event at some point.


3 minutes ago, Jackson said:

100%, someone else already said something about everyone joining ZE on May 2nd. Not a specific time, but just playing throughout the day and having fun.

Yep. Soonest thing to an event that we have going on even though it ain't an official one so stay tuned for that.


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9 minutes ago, All Ts said:

Right now JB is kind of almost only where the #’s are

TTT kinda pops off aswell from what I have personally seen not going to lie


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1 hour ago, Roddy said:

Can we like get a popular server like JB OR TTT to come raid jb for pop, than it would last atleast 1 hour and we just play ze and have fun?, I think the last time we did this was ZE came on MG, which I dont know if it was a Event or not but since ZE is about to die out I thought we could  something like this?

Not opposed at people coming together to do this but I do think it is a bit if a stretch to manage something like this. Things like this just happen when a person says "Hey, let's go play ZE" and the bandwagon follows. ZE is being worked on at the moment we had 15 people early morning Sunday which later turned into 25+ people in the evening for some late night fun. My suggestion is if you want to see stuff like this happen, just be on the servers and listen for someone to start the bandwagon to another server. No need to make this a daily thing when people will do whatever they want anyways.

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49 minutes ago, D4NK said:

TTT kinda pops off aswell from what I have personally seen not going to lie


From a purely numbers (GameTracker) standpoint JB is second largest activity to something like the communities within the Forums & Discord which will waver highly and are highly unreliable as many of the people who lurk there have no intention to open CS:GO let alone help any of the servers grow a pop lol. 

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5 hours ago, delirium said:

Pulling stable population away from a server like JB which is making it's way back up the rankings at the moment is probably not a reliable way to grow another server and will only hurt your numbers on the server you're pulling from.

I agree with this as stated in my post, but at some point the community has to use it's foundation to help ZE unless we're just trying to sabotage them & hence ourselves. There cannot be this "sorry can't help you" mentality forever. Starting a server from scratch is damn near impossible community wise, and ZE does not have an overabundance of enthusiasm nor help behind them. Based off it's previous success we absolutely should not only help in that way but integrate it back into the community. A small amount of help could easily have ZE past TTT within a month or two, I have NO doubt in my mind about this. I would put money on it given certain things happen. Need another manager on the server, going to make a post with tangible easy changes (think Gentoo had some stuff to say too), need a few players to keep bumping pop slightly, a server specific meeting, and a little bit of hope. That is all.


There are some necessary things that need to happen other than retard strengthening ZE to a high rank and watching it collapse on itself again, that is something I 100% agree with. I am going to make a thread separate from the other one that got pretty derailed and cover specific things. 


As for JB and I can speak on this- it is going to hit a natural limit based on the how the server itself is built very soon. The server gets over 20 players, gets extremely chaotic, goes for a few maps then trickles out. I'd love to tell you that we're about to jump past GFL/HG & eGO but we literally cannot with how the server is at the moment. There's a laundry list of tangible things we should be doing for all of these servers. It's possible we rocket forward with JB because the community itself has 1 server with people who never played it before from the community logging into it at the moment but putting all our eggs in one basket with JB in mind is probably an incredibly shit idea. If we didn't learn that lesson from having ZE and then have JB & TTT wingmaning it for years I honestly have no idea what lesson we did learn. People did get complacent and happy with the way the servers were. I tried incredibly hard when I was here to make it so that JB was bigger than ZE. 


This is all to say... If you're a JB player, give ZE a try, a healthy overall community at SG where everyone is amicable and familiar is best for the server. Come on Discord, enjoy the forums, I mean fuck go try to TTT too. JB is going to be there because it is well deserving of its current rank and because ZZL & Dom have been pushing good changes and will continue to push changes that help the community. 

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9 minutes ago, All Ts said:

I agree with this as stated in my post, but at some point the community has to use it's foundation to help ZE unless we're just trying to sabotage them & hence ourselves. There cannot be this "sorry can't help you" mentality forever. Starting a server from scratch is damn near impossible community wise, and ZE does not have an overabundance of enthusiasm nor help behind them. Based off it's previous success we absolutely should not only help in that way but integrate it back into the community. A small amount of help could easily have ZE past TTT within a month or two, I have NO doubt in my mind about this. I would put money on it given certain things happen. Need another manager on the server, going to make a post with tangible easy changes (think Gentoo had some stuff to say too), need a few players to keep bumping pop slightly, a server specific meeting, and a little bit of hope. That is all.


There are some necessary things that need to happen other than retard strengthening ZE to a high rank and watching it collapse on itself again, that is something I 100% agree with. I am going to make a thread separate from the other one that got pretty derailed and cover specific things. 


As for JB and I can speak on this- it is going to hit a natural limit based on the how the server itself is built very soon. The server gets over 20 players, gets extremely chaotic, goes for a few maps then trickles out. I'd love to tell you that we're about to jump past GFL/HG & eGO but we literally cannot with how the server is at the moment. There's a laundry list of tangible things we should be doing for all of these servers. It's possible we rocket forward with JB because the community itself has 1 server with people who never played it before from the community logging into it at the moment but putting all our eggs in one basket with JB in mind is probably an incredibly shit idea. If we didn't learn that lesson from having ZE and then have JB & TTT wingmaning it for years I honestly have no idea what lesson we did learn. People did get complacent and happy with the way the servers were. I tried incredibly hard when I was here to make it so that JB was bigger than ZE. 


This is all to say... If you're a JB player, give ZE a try, a healthy overall community at SG where everyone is amicable and familiar is best for the server. Come on Discord, enjoy the forums, I mean fuck go try to TTT too. JB is going to be there because it is well deserving of its current rank and because ZZL & Dom have been pushing good changes and will continue to push changes that help the community. 

I understand what you're trying to get at; I just don't think it's feasible. As mentioned in a plethora of ZE threads: the desire to play ZE at our community just isn't there at the moment. Whether it's due to drama or staff decisions isnt relevant at this point. Essentially sabotaging progress that other servers are trying to make to try and build up a ZE following would be a waste of resources at this point in time.


Obviously I'm well aware of the servers history and I think eventually it may make it back up there in relation to other CSGO servers but allocating population from one server to another isn't the move here in my opinion. If we focus on current successes and other growth opportunities that are currently in the works or lined up I think the community will be better off in the long run as opposed to funneling people on to a server that has recently been in the dumps in hopes that it works out.


Overall, while I can see the good intentions, I think you're letting nostalgia and archaic thinking cloud the bigger picture. Yes, CS has been a huge part of this community for so long that it's impossible to imagine a version of steam gamers without it, but, we need to prepare for a future where CS may not be the backbone of the community as we move forward. Yes, I know that recent forays into other games have been a struggle but I believe that this community will be able to overcome those eventually under the right direction.

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