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Retire Dead Servers?

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I haven’t seen any real improvement in the ZE server in general minus a few spurts here and there. If the effort is being put in the results are not coming in. I don’t mean that in a bad way it’s just the reality. The higher management called the main ZE player base a bunch of pedophiles. For better or worse, right or wrong, we are reaping what was sewn. Our name in the ZE community is more than damaged. I just personally think it’s time to swallow the bitter pill. It is what it is. I think efforts would be better put somewhere else before you burn out a good staff member who puts their all into a server that does not realistically have a chance. There is a chance if done correctly in which I’m not denying but at some point you have to cut your losses. I’d say after almost 2 years of near 0 population that time has come. On to greener pastures 

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1 hour ago, kabLe said:

I haven’t seen any real improvement in the ZE server in general minus a few spurts here and there. If the effort is being put in the results are not coming in. I don’t mean that in a bad way it’s just the reality. The higher management called the main ZE player base a bunch of pedophiles. For better or worse, right or wrong, we are reaping what was sewn. Our name in the ZE community is more than damaged. I just personally think it’s time to swallow the bitter pill. It is what it is. I think efforts would be better put somewhere else before you burn out a good staff member who puts their all into a server that does not realistically have a chance. There is a chance if done correctly in which I’m not denying but at some point you have to cut your losses. I’d say after almost 2 years of near 0 population that time has come. On to greener pastures 

I mean after “2 years of near 0 population” there has to be a reason why we still have this server.Keeping the server up isn’t really detrimental for us anyways.I personally believe ZE as a whole in North America has been on a decline. Only reason why GFLs ZE is still on top is because their player base consist of EU and NA players . I’m sure you’re well aware that some of our ZE regs left and created their own ZE server last year. They’ve shut it down the 19th of this month. Their reason was pretty much exactly what I’m telling you now . Not many people care about ZE anymore. That’s just how it  is now but that doesn’t mean we have to discard something we’ve had since the birth of this community .We’ll eventually find another Wesker or Leon or at least someone who will work as hard as them. I know it’s hard to believe at this point and I feel like this is like the 5th thread I’ve said this in but I still believe ZE can make some kind of comeback or at least get some type of player base again .

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Edited by thuxys
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TL;DR there's little to no benefit either way. Leaving the servers up hasn't encroached on any sort of growth as we still have the funds to branch out as indicated by all of the recent expansion here. Leaving them there does no harm other than to the mental state of anyone who was here when things were different. 


As for the other arguments that I skimmed here, gonna leave it at this: this community has had it's ups and downs over the years and continues to fluctuate. The most noticable difference between the times where everything is going well and everything is dead is community engagement and a handful of people passionately advocating for their servers and the community over all. Seems like a lot of people here are stuck in a "it doesn't matter" or worse mindset. We need people who are passionate about the game modes to start advocating and doing things to make their server better whether that be by making suggestions, populating, creating an environment that you would like to play in/be a part, ect... 

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4 hours ago, kabLe said:

The higher management called the main ZE player base a bunch of pedophiles. For better or worse, right or wrong, we are reaping what was sewn. Our name in the ZE community is more than damaged.

An overstatement at best, the people involved in the drama and have poor views of SG ZE rarely play ZE anymore and opinion from other servers is apathy.


The problem is not the mass exodus of all the regulars of SG ZE, we've recovered from that before with brand new regulars, It's that NA ZE as a whole has been on a decline for a long time.

SCA clan and Syndicate Gamers, two NA ZE servers, have been dead for a while, so where did their regulars go? Gone. Only some of them really play ZE anymore.


Im not saying NA ZE is dead or will be dead, there are still alot of NA ZE players out there, but not enough to support a pure NA server.

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Edited by LargeAll
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Gonna close out this thread a little bit late. Evident from the quarterly newsletter, we have shut down Crackhouse, 1v1, FFA, KZ, and 2Fort. Thank you for suggesting this as it lead to a constructive staff discussion and ended in the results that you saw in the newsletter. 


As a reminder, we always appreciate your guy's suggestions, even if it's something like this. We encourage you guys (staff or not) to share your ideas and thoughts as we just may end up doing it :classic_wink:

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