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Special orders in chat (dropping guns)

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Hey everyone. As a little PSA I am just reminding both new players as well as regs about a little known rule on the JB server. When coming across the rule of no special orders in chat it can get a little confusing about what you can and can not say. When looking in the rules you will see the rule for special orders being "guards cannot abuse Special Orders or give them in text chat; Special orders must be given in voice chat and can be overridden without counting as a conflicting order". An example of this being typed in chat "DabOfGravy go to iso". To further avoid confusion there is a post about special orders going further into depth in the FAQ section. The post asks "What are special orders? I still don't understand the rule", the answer to this being "Special orders are orders given that don't address all of the Prisoners and asks them to go to a location. This can include telling a portion of the Prisoners (not all) to go play a deathgame, go to bottom of cell stairs, etc.". When it comes to dropping weapons the rule is "Name the Prisoner they are asking to drop their utility or pistol/zeus". The little known rule when it comes to this is under the definitions of common terms. The definition is "Special Orders - Any order given to a subset of Prisoners, with an exception of ordering prisoners to drop a weapon or throw utility". Going off of what I have said for giving special orders in chat, telling a prisoner to drop there gun is not a special order and can be said over chat.



If you have any questions feel free to ask them down below.

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Edited by DabOfGravy
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13 hours ago, DabOfGravy said:

 The little known rule 

damn bro you callin me out?

Yes, you should be able to ask someone to drop a weapon in text, and should also be sure to give appropriate amount of time inso the prisoner can notice, understand, and obey.

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6 hours ago, Enderspine said:

Yes, you should be able to ask someone to drop a weapon in text, and should also be sure to give appropriate amount of time inso the prisoner can notice, understand, and obey.



Good point. For the CTs without mics be aware that not all players are constantly looking at chat. This being said if you are a CT with a mic and you see a fellow CT giving a chat order to drop a gun please help them out and tell the person over voice.

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